Season 21, Week 1
(Shining Force)
Anyone who's seen the horror of Mishaela's underlings knows what a dangerous set of allies she has. She matches up to them with high defense and some of the finest magical power in Middle. Meanwhile, her foe is best known for a crippling lack of speed and magic defense, and the speedy sorceress can more than exploit that pathetic weakness to her own advantage. A few lighting bolts will end Dekar's chances, and send a painful message to the rest of middle about the formidable foe awaiting them.



Three appearances and no wins? That isn't the Dekar we all know and love. The Knight of Bound isn't one to sit back and take losses, and he's returned to the arena to prove as much! His foe relies entirely on strategies that kill mages and low-durability fighters. But Dekar uses no puny spells, his staying power is legendary, and a Zirco weapon is more than enough to destroy Mishaela in a few swings. Metal Mail's Sacred Song provides full healing as needed, and that's far more than any Middle can handle.

Jo'ou Ranbu
Mishaela, as we all know, is a smart lady.

Researching upon the subject of Dekar, she quickly realized he was stupid as stupid could get. And she also noted he was too damn dense to realize any kind of stunt she could pull on him.

Which means it was time she had some fun on Dekar's expenses. And it didn't even need to be much. At the match, she taunted the soldier into hitting her. And he obviously took it. As he swung his heavy axe towards the sorceress, she disappeared, leaving an illusionary trace behind.

Dekar didn't realize that.

He also didn't notice that, after the first swing, all he was pointlessly trying to pound into the ground was a wooden marionette, which Mishaela manipulated gleefully, cup of coffee in hand.

That lasted for a few hours. After that, the judges, tired of Dekar's absolute display of sensitivity, just gave the match to Mishaela.

However, the DL Committee of Animal Rights sent an angry letter to the sorceress, threatening a sue over the pledge of cruelty to animals in a match if she didn't hand over her victory. And, while Mishaela is smart, she isn't rich. She took her formal forfeit to the DL Legality section and had to watch the dumb swordsman get his first victory in the League. Apparently, stupidity can get you far sometimes.

It was good while it lasted, though. And, if anything else, she took console in the backhanded compliment that Dekar received from the same committee that saved his ass in the Arena.

Mishaela: 13
Dekar: 38