Dream Match
~DL Staff

Dear readers, it's once again time for us, the Staff, to ask what you want. Not in the form of what to rank, but a simple question. Who, above all else, would you like to see fight in the Duelling League? Rank or divison doesn't matter, all that is required is that they are ranked. So, readers, what is your dream fight? Is it Cloud vs Squall? Luca Blight vs Fou-Lu? Tell us what you'd most like to see fight.

Justin vs Rune. Duh.

Badrach vs Connie.

We clearly need an official Jogurt vs Arngrim match.

Dream match: Solo vs. Sofia, the match that causes the universe to collapse on itself.

Hunter Sopko
Anastasia Valeria vs. Cecelia Lynn Adlehyde

Major Damage
Match of dreams: Rika vs. Neifirst

Can't vote for my dream match so...

Zophar vs. Necron
Zophar vs. Ghaleon

Though my true dream would be -
Zophar vs. Necron vs. Ghaleon (lol)

Either that or a season where all champions from each division go at it.