Season 20, Week 1
(Final Fantasy X)
Score! In a dazzling display of careful finesse and raw power, master Blitzball player Jecht has finally left Heavy in the dust and moved on to his rightful division. With his ever-faithful fans cheering for him, the former guardian and Aeon is sure to approach his first Godlike match with a healthy amount of swagger - especially since his opponent, Terra Branford, is a mere teenage girl. With accurate petrification from Jecht Beam as well as his powerful Jecht Sword, the half-Esper will quickly learn who's really the best.



Superficially similar to her athlete-turned-Aeon foe, the half-Esper Terra Branford nonetheless differs greatly from Jecht in many ways. While Jecht had to claw his way up from Heavy with every scrap of power he possessed, Terra is a true Godlike with the record to back it up. With her deadly Ultima ripping through Jecht's defences, her own good durability backed by powerful draining and healing, and a Jewel Ring to make Jecht's infamous beam utterly worthless, Terra is primed to continue the losing record of upgraded Heavies.

Jecht versus ITD? And even under strict views there is always Drain?


Jecht: 18
Terra Branford: 68