Season 19, Week 5
(Final Fantasy VI)
You wouldn't expect a mad clown to be pitted against a god under normal circumstances, but the DL's Godlike championships are anything but normal. Besides, although Fou-Lu may claim stake to divine powers, he has them simply as a result of his birthright. Kefka, on the other hand, seized the combined powers of his world's goddesses and proceeded to rise towards god-hood on his own. Kefka packs such an incredible offense that even the God Emperor will be pressed to weather it. Although the deadly Havoc Wing will be dulled by Fou's draconic scales, Kefka's hardly at a loss for options. With a speed far superior to his opponent, bevies of Fire3s and Ultimas will come hailing down, their pace quickening as Kefka weakens. With the power he has earned, there is no doubt that Kefka will finally seize the championship he so deserves.



With Ryu once again out of the way, Fou-Lu now has a clear shot at claiming the title of Godlike champion for the second time. All that stands in his way is a pitiful clown. Fou Lu has all the tools he needs to beat his insane opponent. Incredible physical resistance reduces Havok Wing to a mere scratch that fail would fail to scare mortals, let alone a Dragon God, and his vast life store allows him to endure Kefka's lackluster spells easily. With his own impressive firepower, Fou-Lu can quickly reduce his opponent's pathetic vitality with one or two of his infamous Dark Waves. Perhaps even more important than his superior combat abilities, Fou-Lu possesses a sharp and sane mind, something his opponent has never had. Fou Lu has all the advantages he needs to put another false god out of commission, and claim a championship at the same time!

So far all of Kefka's opponents had tried to outsmart Kefka in order to not have to deal with his insanely powerful spells. However, these plans allways seem to back fire right into their face one way or another. This, however was Fou-Lu. He NEEDS no plan to defeat Kefka. After all, how many times, while playing an RPG do you have over-leveled characters (*cough*Fou-Lu*cough*) and yet try and come up with stratigies to win boss fights? Fou-Lu was certain he could win without a plan.

Fou-Lu was training for the championship (WHAT GOOD IS LEVELING UP IF YOU ALREADY START OUT AT LIKE LEVEL 64?!?!?) when Sephiroth and Profound Darkness came to visit him. They had worked together to come up with one giant flaming ball of all thier ideas to beat Kefka combined. They were just about to show Fou-Lu the plan when Fou-Lu said "Thou shalt NOT tell me thy plan, as I have no use for trickery to win my match. Thou art best be goingeth." Sephiroth and PD looked at him with blank expressions as Sephiroth said "... This plan... doesn't include art..." Fou-Lu said "No, I art saying that I shalt not use this plan. now please leaveth immediatly." Profound Darkness: You want us to levereth?
Fou-Lu: I dost want nothing to do with your plan. Now geteth out of here now!" Sephiroth: You want us to gravy out of here? o_O
Fou-Lu: JUST HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF MY @&#$* HOUSE, YOU *#$0% $#(*(#$!!!
Sephiroth: So are we going through with the plan?
Fou-Lu: Thout heardeth me a millioneth time...eth? I want nothing to do with your schemeth!
Sephiroth: Is that a yes?
Fou-Lu chased Sephiroth and PD out of the house.

Later, the fight started and Fou-Lu used his Dragon Form right from the start to do a lot of damage early to Kefka. Kefka's speed was useless when he could hardly stand straight and it's hard to stand straight when you are getting beaten on by a level 82 dragon. Kefka, in his state of extreme pain, became even less mentally stable than he was before and started immitating Star Wars. Using a random stick on the ground as his lightsaber and using his Ultima as "The Force", he tried pounding Fou-Lu into the ground repetedly shouting "NO! YOU CAN'T BE MY FATHER! I WON'T JOIN THE DARK SIDE!!!" Eventually up onto a floating platform (the origins of which are still unkown) and shouted "It's over Fou-Lu! I've got the high ground!" He then prepared to strike Fou-Lu with "The Force" when his haluconations of Star Wars ended. No, he wasn't back to being Kefka, he just simply started immitating a different movie... which happened to be Finding Nemo (kind of wierd to immagine Kefka watching that movie eh?). He jumped onto the ground and started running around doing a swimming motion shouting "Nemo? Nemooo? Where are you Nemo?!?!?" and this all confused Fou-Lu to the point where he was to busy wondering what was happening to realize he was standing on top of a giant bulls-eye saying "Kefka stand here for Sephiroth and PD's Ultimate plan to be a success... I mean for mass suffering". Kefka, while spinning his arms in a swimming motion, cut a cord near the arena's wall, sending a giant anvil right on Fou-Lu's head.
Sephiroth: What?!?
PD: How could our plan fail?!?
Sephiroth: It's like Fou-Lu didn't even expect our plan to happen! ...You are sure he was trying to tell us he wanted to go through with the plan, right?
PD: I'm not sure he was even talking our language, I just guessed that was what he was saying because it's the logical thing to do.

So Kefka and Fou-Lu are both in critical condition... except Fou-Lu is in critical condition at a hospital while Kefka is in critical mental condition at a "Crazy House"...

Kefka: 36
Fou-Lu: 34

This is Kefka's time to capture a DL championship.... he beat Seprioth and the Profound Darkness, and I think that Fire 3 is going to own Fou-Lu, I personally think Kefka will win but it will end up being pretty close.

What is it about the sentence "Kefka rules you all" that you fail to understand?

Kefka vous r¨¨gne tout.
Kefka le gobierna todo.
Kefka §å§á§â§Ñ§Ó§Ý§ñ§Ö§ä §Ó§Ñ§Þ§Ú §Ó§ã§Ö§Þ.
Simply put: If Kefka's laugh doesn't immediately take care of Fou-Lu, his incredible magical power and speed will, insanity be damned. If that doesn't work, his fans will. End of story.

(Editor's note: I have no idea why one of the lines came out as total gibberish. Either that was intentional, or some other characters were used that the database doesn't support.)