Tête à Teta

Lezard Valeth sighed. With so many of his fellow... ethically-challenged duellers getting back into their habits of death and destruction outside the ring, it seemed logical to follow suit. However, finding a suitable task to perform wasn't as easy as he had hoped, especially after that young Hyuga lad had threatened him out of his first great scheme.

"Turn all the multiverse's money into lead? No, too cliché for one with the Philosopher's Stone. Create a monument to my Lady out of the charred remains of my fellow magi? Nay, she would not approve of the taking of lesser beings for her own gratification. Whatever I perform, it should be a feat that will last for eternity, something more than a mere slaughter..."

Lezard paused, a thought beginning to well up in his mind. Not a slaughter, but a death so powerful that none but he could achieve it.

"King Delita! Your sister's grave has been defiled!"

"It cannot be! Find those responsible and make them suffer, no matter the situation! No expense is too great, no offer of help is to be rejected!" Delita yelled to the lackey who had given him the message.

Back in Lezard's laboratory, the necromancer crowed over his newest acquisition.

"You see, my dear, it's very simple. Thousands have tried to revive you before, seeking in vain to bring you back from the near-fatal abyss that they have done for so many. However, they have always failed. You remain in a twilight state, neither in the morn of life or the eve of death. There is something about you, some mystical power that grants you supernatural immunity. I shall find it, I shall remove it, and revive the unrevivable.

"And then, young Teta, I shall kill the unkillable. I do believe that will be a feat worthy of respect, hahahahaha!"

  • Lezard actually kills Teta
  • Delita's forces stop the Nerdcromancer before Teta can die the final death

For all that King Hyral may possess the shrewdest strategic mind Ivalice has ever seen, he sure is fast to lose his cool at the mention of his sister.

So when the handpicked Black Sheep knights butchered his reanimated henchmen and broke into his lab, Lezard wasn't too surprised to see Delita himself among them, the very picture of murderous rage.

It didn't matter. His triumph was already at hand.

The moment of his epiphany had arrived when, feverishly searching the Philosopher's Stone's pages for some clue, he discovered a passage that alluded to the possibliity of a "shark" bringing life to the "always dead." While Lezard did not immediately grasp the meaning of this arcane truth, he realized the correct interpretation in a flash of insight and promptly distilled an exact replica of Teta via a homunculus made by the flesh of hammerheads to serve as a vessel for her soul. As Delita came in and prepared grimly to slaughter the mage for this impudent defilement, the transfer was already complete and his sister was alive.

Teta sat up as the cackling wizard strode toward her with a knife in hand, ignoring the arrows that fell short out of concern for hitting the girl. "Teta?" he asked, just to be absolutely sure.

"Yes? Oh, Delita!" In came the knife, stabbing towards her heart to kill her as only one before him ever had.

And missing to Teta's base front evasion. And provoking a Counter Tackle which knocked out Lezard Valeth on the spot moments before an untimely Holy Explosion directed at the mad wizard ended Teta's brief return to the land of the living.

Lezard could have probably found a way to fail more completely, but it's doubtful that he could have done so in any way as humiliating. For his part, Delita's busy handling the coverup on that rumor about him cutting out the tongues of priests for some sort of failure to revive somebody. What a silly bunch of anarchist propoganda.

Lezard succeeds: 23
Lezard fails: 31

Jo'ou Ranbu
Teta is far too Godlike for Lezard. Of course, if plot powers fail, she could always fall down on him and he'd die.

You know, when you're frail to the point a falling body can kill you regardless of height, you are just certain that you are VERY sad.