Season 2, Week 5
Ramsus, Kahran
The perfect human has the perfect winning strategy for this battle. He's going to come into the arena with his sword, his clothes, and nothing else. Why? Once he sets Mirror Stance, Vormav won't be able to hit him! Of course, if he opts to do that, Ramsus must be careful not to drop his guard. One hit from Vormav on an armourless Ramsus will likely OHKO the perfect human.



The General of the Shrine Knights would no doubt prefer to settle his differences with the General of Gebler with a battle between their troops, but for Vormav, that's simply not an option in the RPGDL! And, while the Shrine Knight leader isn't quite as good a fighter as some of his top lieutenants, he's already proven that he's more than most Middles can handle. Can he do it one last time? Ramsus' far superior speed and Mirror Stance will be serious problems for him, and though he might be able to break his opponent's helmet and armour, he has no weapon break to really make Ramsus sweat, nor an attack accurate enough to get past Mirror Stance beyond the aforementioned Mirror Stance. Still, Vormav's no slouch in the physical power department, and if he can drop his opponent quickly with a pair of swordskills, he might yet take this.

Dark Holy Elf
n Vormav's defence, he was infinitely more competent as a military officer than his current opponent ever was. Under his leadership, the Shrine Knights acted as a decisive force in the Lion War, and almost played control of the nation right into the church's hands. So he'll no doubt think of some clever strategy to win here...

Except that Ramsus, despite all his problems, isn't stupid. No pure swordsman can ever hope to break through his Mirror Stance, and with a championship on the line, Ramsus will have no need to play nice and drop it. Vormav can strategise all he want, but he has still lost this fight even before it begins.

Ramsus, Kahran: 12
Vormav Tingel: 3