Season 19, Week 1
Reis Dular
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Reis, along with her interesting variety of "bracelet" attacks, enters the DL arena in yet another appearance, where she'll be sure to put her many talents to use. Her opponent is ... Jogurt. Well, all right. She'll put one of her talents to use, because any of them are sure to kill the hapless rodent and sometime DL overlord several times over. Her biggest worry is that her first match isn't enough of a warm-up to prepare her for the rest of the season.



Some would argue that Jogurt is a poor dueler. They claim that his stats, permanently locked at 1, make him impossible to lose to. They claim that his hat is stupid, and his aviator goggles are silly-looking. They are wrong. The so-called “Dragoner” will be the first, but by no means the last, to taste the fury of an unleashed helmet-clad gerbil as he sweeps through Light to the championship, and eventual place in Godlike, that he so deserves.

Well now, Jogurt vs Reis.. So in other terms it's a hamster with a helmet, vs Dragon girl.. Well now, I'm done. I'm sure you all guess the outcome already.

Reis Dular: 53
Jogurt: 5

Draco Ignifer
...Whoever nominated the gerbil needs serious professional help.

Whoever VOTES for the gerbil needs to go into a nice, quiet room, swallow a few rounds of .44 ammunition, and try again next life.