Season 19, Week 1
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
A reading from the book of Velius: -Behold as the Son of God descends from the Kingdom of Heaven, laughing with mirth at the DBZ fan clad in leather. See as he tries to strike her down with pagan witchcraft, failing utterly against her holy strength. Listen as she utters the word "Ultima2", washing the frail monkey in divine light. And so she shall stand in the middle of the battlefield, a golden aura shining about her with the brightness of a thousand suns, and she shall look upon the camera, and say, "Beware Godlike, for the Bloody Angel has returned, and she is here to kick some pansy butt."



The effeminate Genome returns for his sixth season of DL fun! He might have two championships under his belt, but why settle for just that? This week, Kuja faces a fellow FF boss, the Holy Angel Altima. Fortunately, while they're in the same club, Altima is vastly inferior, as shown by the fact that it took more than a little luck just for her to work her way out of Heavy. His Flare Star pretty easily out-damages her pathetic version of Ultima or her weakling physical attacks. And that’s without factoring in his healing! Kuja advances fairly easily this round, but his battle can only be uphill after such a weak start...

The warriors entered the Arena.

Kuja sauntered in, with a arrogant, cool grin on his face.

Altima floated in, wearing an intense look of concentration; She knew this would be a hard-won fight, if it was won at all.

"Are both of you ready? Nothing to say?" A judge, oddly cloaked in black despite it being sunny, called out.

Kuja simply kept smiling. Altima reached down and grasped her knives, preparing to draw them out.

"Then....let's get ready for the First Annual Duelling League Beauty Contest!" The judge said in a loud, booming voice.

"....What!?" Altima shrieked. "I will not be subjected to something so incredibly moronic! I was told I was here for a fig-"

"Shhh. I like this idea." Kuja said, looking curiously up at the judges. "I accept." He called out. "May the beautiful one win. This way, regardless, I don't have to worry about getting scuffed and dirty."

"...What? How...AUGH!" Altima said, whipping out a knife. "I'm going to slit your little narcissistic thro-"

"Are you questioning a judge?" The cloaked figure called down.

"Grrr....fine." Altima said, glaring at him.


It was, in it's own way, a fierce competition. Kuja arrogantly posed, waltzed around the arena as if he owned it, his long, silvery hair flowing down his back and making most of the Duelling League's females swoon.

Altima....barely managed to smile, but it didn't especially matter. Few of the men in the crowd would have gone near Kuja. Altima was a far better choice, from their point of view, and got many whistles and cheers herself.

"Hmmm. The judges have decided it is too close to call, and have suggested a second stage of competition." The cloaked figure said, a smile peering out from under the hood.

"Good." Altima mumbled under her breath, a fake smile still plastered on her face. "I finally get to stab him. After watching him prance around like that, I plan on aiming good and lo-"

"The suggestion is that both of you use your powers to change into your higher forms...That is, Kuja's Tranced form and Altima's Arch Angel form...and that those forms then be judged."

"AUUUGGGHHH!" Altima wailed out, utterly disgusted, stunned and frustrated. She knew that the only reason she had a chance up to this point was the fact that she appealed to people that Kuja didn't...and in that form, she couldn't have appealed to Sheena Lepant or Edge Eblan.

Disgusted, she tossed down her daggers, and stalked over to the exit.

Before leaving, she glared up at the cloaked judge and said simply "If I ever find out who you are, I will crush you into the dirt, then have you ressurected, just so I can do it again.".

"Aren't you worried about that?" Rolf Landale said to the cloaked figure, who was finally pulling off his hood.

"Not one bit. I don't think she remembers my existance."

"But let this be a lesson to you, son." Georg Prime said to Rolf, smiling. "A true warrior always wins. Eventually."

Altima: 26
Kuja: 41