Season 18, Week 5
(Suikoden II)
Seed has achieved great things this season, proving that he truly is one of the greatest warriors ever to come from the Highland kingdom. He has proven that shutting off your opponents' spells is far more effective than being immune to them, and that you do not have to be the most physically strong or accurate to succeed. He has already surpassed his beloved king. Now if only he can cast Silent Lake before Rosa's Blink he can cut her down with ease and finally match the feats of his despised former king.



The premiere White Mage of Baron has trampled all of her foes with her potent magic so far. But Seed presents a different challenge - to claim a title, she must use her physical prowess. Silent Lake will limit her mystical options to nothing, so Rosa must rely on her bow and arrow to win the day. But this will not be a problem. Artemis arrows are potent weapons even against a lucky soldier like Seed, and with Silent Lake in effect he will have to pit his inferior physical attacks against her Aim technique. He'll regret it.

Simply enough, Silent Lake hasn't been stopped yet, and Rosa isn't going to have enough power to beat seed, match Seed.

Seed: 39
Rosa Harvey: 20

Hate Hate Hate
Poor Seed.

He's about to come face to face with one of the most terrifying things ever to walk the face of the Earth(or whatever he calls his world): A pissed off woman of the white mage class(just read 8-Bit Theater and you'll see what I mean).