Season 18, Week 4
Kyra Tierny
(Phantasy Star 4)
After disposing of two Pokémon, Kyra finally faces a human opponent in this season: the healer Mia. Her strategies should be obvious: blast away with her impressive magical spells, healing periodically, until Mia runs out of gas. Kyra has both speed and endurance over Mia; Mia's own magical assault isn't that strong, and Kyra has excellent magical defenses in addition to surprisingly decent HP for a mage. The sweet and bold Esper from Dezolis will, once again, show the might of the followers of Lutz to the DL.



With Golden Sun's conquest of the lower divisions well underway, Mia comes to what seems like a bit of an obstacle. Kyra's stats and abilities provide a very good counter to Mia's, so she's going to have to resort to some underhanded tactics and quick thinking to win. Fortunately, she does have a bit of a trump card this fight; if she can get 4 turns to unleash Djinni, she can then use their powers to summon the powerful level 4 Water Djinni and hope to decimate Kyra in one fell swoop, making all of her vaunted healing worthless.

"Bla...blast..." That sound had been haunting Kyra all day. Whenever she left her room, the voice rang out at her.


It was truly puzzling. She had killed the turtle in a single casting of Tandle last week, and had even healed him after the match as an apology! Why was he seemingly stalking her? She had no time to worry about that, as her big match was coming up..

Kyra eyed Mia with no small amount of distaste. "How can she still be healing?!?"

The two healers had been exchanging equally feeble blows for the past several hours, and neither looked to be running out of healing any time soon.

Kyra turned away from Mia, summoning the energy to use Nafoi, yet again. Instead of a view of the crowds behind her, she had an impression of a rather large shell heading her way..


.. A giant, drunken battleturtle jumped on her chest, and began nuzzling her. "Blassssssssssssst!"

Amazingly, Kyra healing Blastoise had been the first nice thing anyone had done to him in a long time. He took that as a sign of affection..


And that was that. Unfortunately for Mia, his blow caught Kyra completely off guard, knocking her out cold. She was disquailifed for this, of course.

“You.. stupid turtle!” Mia charged Blastoise in an annoyed rage, and punted him all the way out of the arena. The crowd was understandably stunned by this, as Mia's kick was the first sign of actual offense either girl had shown all day.
“Bla...blast...” Blastoise stood outside the arena, with a bottle in hand. Cagnazzo was at his side, and also looked wasted.

“You said it, Blastoise. Women..”

Kyra Tierny: 27
Mia: 14