Season 18, Week 3
Kyra Tierny
(Phantasy Star 4)
Kyra, the Pokémon slayer? After beating Venusaur last week, Kyra again battles one of the monsters. The battle should also play out similarly, as Kyra can exploit Blastoise's weakness with Tandle, and heal away his damage. Unlike last week, however, Kyra does not have to worry about any crippling status, which plays right into Kyra's hands as a healer. Kyra should have no problem collecting another RPGDL win and another Pokémon head to hang on her wall as a trophy.



Having both respectable offense and a good defense was all it took to send Zylo packing. Although Blastoise faces a much tougher challenge in Kyra this week, he isn't out of the fight. Hydro Pump is steady, punishing damage, which will wear at Kyra's resources in a long battle. Withdraw provides the defense needed for such a long struggle, and Blastoise's own excellent stats shall serve him well in avenging Venusaur and putting out the shining light of Phantasy Star in middle.

The battle was epic.

Blasts of water shattered bones, while slashing blades cut at Blastoise's hard shell, searching for a weak point.

But, unfortunatly for the drunken Zidane, he really fights far worse drunk, and couldn't beat Blastoise even when he wasn't drunk, without a thief sword. Blastoise ended up putting Zidane through a wall.

Blastoise then staggered out onto the street, got his wallet stolen by Chaco(He never noticed.) and wandered out onto a dock to watch the sun rise.

Oh, the actual match? That was over in one shot of Tandle. Pity.

Kyra Tierny: 33
Blastoise: 19