Season 18, Week 3
Luis Virgil
(Xenosaga: Der Wille Zur Macht)
Dancing in the shadows and striking out at random is Virgil's style. His skillset is both deep and fearsome, a threat to eve the most formidable Godlike to run across it. In the case of Deis, of course, such a murky and deadly array of moves isn't required. All Virgil has to do in this match is show up, laugh, and fire off Shadow Wing. The brutal Stop status it iniflicts will put even the hugely status resistant Deis in her place, and net Virgil his second easy win in as many weeks.



Snake Goddess, Uber-Mage, and sister of a Godlike champion: Deis is certainly a force to be feared. And her opponent, Virgil, should definitely be very, very afraid. Deis's high stats make her hard to kill and resistant to status, and her powerful BoltX and Comet spells will rip her opponent to shreds. Furthermore, Deis's extreme speed means she'll assuredly outpace her opponent. As long as Deis can weather the Ethereal Storm, she’ll find her victory near-assured.

Subject: Virgil.
Foe: Deis.
Method of Victory: Show up, taunt the crowd, Shadow Wing target. Win a five second duel. Be out in time for a nap and a little realian abuse.

Luis Virgil: 31
Deis: 19