Season 1, Week 1
Anastasia Valeria
(Wild Arms 2)



Anastasia has no chance in this match. And here's why I think that. First off, Salvation is no good unless she uses it. This means that her ID protection is not innate. So she has to go first. Against someone as fast as Tir, her odds of that ain't so hot. However, even if she DOES go first, she's still not guaranteed a win. After all, Salvation ain't gonna do squat unless she has the FP to cast it. Now, unless she starts with 80FP (I looked up how much it costs, so that IS an accurate figure) she ain't gonna cast it on her first turn. Against McDohl, you only get one chance at most, so she'll have to use Impulse. Now, Impulse does 15k against the big baddie, and 7k against random enemies. 15k is lethal no matter what, 7k is impressive, but a strong person with good HP can survive it. This means that McDohl gets his turn and uses Deadly Fingertips, and wins.

Anastasia Valeria: 4
Tir McDohl: 8

Dekar TKB
Blah blah blah Deadly Fingertips blah.

Anastasia is an excellent dueler, and a female to boot. Salvation protects her from dying, and even if Impulse won't do full damage, it will STILL hurt. Plus she's got effective, full-healing.

A pity that Salvation's cost is so high, right? Even if she goes first, Tir just instant kills before Salvation can be cast.

Psy Slaver
Heh. Instant death is cool, huh?

Sorry Ana, Salvation isn't quick enough

Rob the Stampede
Ana's speed is roughly on par with Ashley's. Tir is among the fastest characters in Suikoden, with a 100% instant death spell. Tir quickdraws Deadly Fingertips, Ana goes down.