Season 11, Week 2
Kimahri Ronso
(Final Fantasy X)
After getting crushed by a songstress back in Season 6, the blue beastman has something to prove to the Middles of the DL: that he's worthy of competing in their division! Fortunately, this week looks to be a breeze for the formidable Kimahri; no leafy comestible can withstand the might of the proud Ronso. With his E&C once again present to yank Kim's furry behind from the fire, Peco’s insane critical rate will have no effect on this battle - and with Lancet to steal his opponent's MP, Kimahri is sure to advance to the quarterfinals. For pride and honor, the ferocious feline fights once more.



Peco, the League's sole mutant onion, makes his debut this week against season 5 Light Champ Kimahri Ronso. The fight will be challenging due to Kimahri's Evade&Counter ability, but by no means impossible to win. All Peco has to do is hold out against Kim's initial spear strikes and put the Ronso to sleep. After that, the sprout has many options: heal himself, poison Kimahri, or wake him up with a powerful critical hit and put him to sleep again! Perhaps the Death Claws will even slide Kim Ronso into a permanent rest. With so many tricks at his command, Peco is feeling confident. That is, if oversized vegetables feel anything at all.

Ronso strong."

"Ronso hungry."

"Ronso like...onion." Buuuuurp!


And that, as we say, was that. Well, after the Jibril rulings were consulted about a contestant being eaten whole.

Kimahri Ronso: 27
Peco: 18