Season 43, Week 2
(Seiken Densetsu 3)
Kneel, peons, as Lord Duran enters the arena for his first match of the new season! What’s this? Some frail, slow old man, claiming to be his bane? Bah, this is too easy, to the point of being downright pathetic. Duran might not be the fastest in his own game, but when it comes to Fu So Ya? He's getting the drop alright, along with his physicals hitting Fu's awful durability. Fu won’t be able to stand up to a volley of knightly Cross Slashes, and, adding insult to injury, Duran has his trusty Oath Shield to immune Fu's deadliest status. This shield puts a stop to any plans Fu might have had to cast, say, Mini on Duran, leaving him wide open for the knight's swordstrikes. Alas for the Lunarian, as he will snap like a twig against the might of Duran!



As popular lore dictates, wise men don't rush into battle without preparing. In FuSoYa's case, though, not much preparation - if any at all, indeed - is needed for this cakewalk of a fight. Duran's more than questionable reputation, both as a knight and as an official member of the Norgard Defense Force, precedes him. The Forcenan's bluster may be fearsome (or try to be), but his combat ablities are quite lacking in spite of the bark. Relying on healing magic and weak damage against a Lunarian Sage is a quick recipe for suicide. What will stop Duran in his tracks and spell doom, eh? Will it be Death? Stone? Charm? Does it matter, really? Any of FuSoYa's status spells should put a quick end to Duran and his utterly, downright miserable attempts at finding glory through combat.

DragonKnight Zero
One cast of Break and it was all over.

The match anyways. Duran's humiliation had just begun. It continues when Rena, Celine, and Precis conspire to use the frozen Duran as a dress-up doll.

When Duran came to, among other things, he found himself clothed in a girly dress and sporting a much more feminine hairstyle.

While the girls were responsible for his physical distress, the high pitched scream he let out was his own fault entirely. It attracted Donkey Kong, who proceeded to kidnap him.

Even worse, the rescue squad was delayed due to the need to repair the Cross-Dimensional Portal after Josh Kain had wanted to "take a look" at it. Donkey Kong, not being particularly bright, never caught on that the woman he'd kidnapped was actually a man. Poor Duran didn't even have a chance to change clothes.

It's uncertain how long it will take for Duran to complete therapy. The DL healers have a betting pool going.

Duran: 10
Fu So Ya: 45