Season 34, Week 1
(Suikoden III)
Well, fighting a young girl certainly isn’t what Mua truly intended to do - and fighting one of his own allies from the Second Fire Bringer war doesn't help. But there is nothing to be done about it, as miss Sharon has also brought her weapon forth and is ready to do combat. Knowing his opponent’s capabilities already, Mua has little to fear from his first match. Her spear thrusts will be met by his shield and armor, and her own defenses will not be able to stand up to his superior strength and skill. Only her small skill at magic is of any concern, but the attack magic of the Wind Rune is weak and cannot defeat him quickly enough. The arena is no place for a youngling, and Mua intends to gently send Sharon packing home before meets a less kind foe than himself.



A snicker, a flicker and she fliiiiiiiiieeeeeeees away! The Dragon Knight trainee Sharon is ready to premiere in the DL, and she fights - oh, the funny luck! - one of her Star of Destiny comrades! The mighty mustache Mua, sporting the physical durability of the gods and looks eerily similar to a mexican bartender, will certainly provide a fun fight to the chipper and quick apprentice. However, Sharon boasts defenses that, while not quite as good as Mua's, are quite impressive indeed, and she has two more edges: a Wind Rune and better speed. With Healing Wind and Wind of Sleep, Futch's protegé will show Mua just who is better at winning attrition fights (who said that magic was useless against swords, anyway? Bunch of lying losers). No physical wall will stop the coolest Dragon Knight from victory!

Sharon laughed with glee as she easily kept ahead of Mua’s clumsy steps, racking up the points while the free knight kept falling further and further behind. As soon as an arrow lit up, she was on it, as soon as a hurdle sprang up from the ground she was over it, all the while staying ahead of her opponent with seemingly effortless ease.

Shaking his head in wonder, Sheena Lepant turned towards the young man next to him in the stands with a question, “Alright, not that I’m complaining since it gives me Sharon in short shorts and a tanktop, but how on earth did Kenji get the money to build a Race Race Revolution track with automated hurdles and everything? He does work for you, right Thomas? You’re aren’t footing the bill for this, are you?”

Thomas shrugged, “No, I’m not. I don’t know where he got it, actually. But so long as people are enjoying it, what does it matter?”

Nodding, Sheena turned back to the action just in time to see Mua crash through a hurdle instead of leaping over it, “Yeah, guess you’re right. I really could’ve lived without seeing Mua in short shorts and a tanktop though.”

Mua: 28
Sharon: 59

Moonlight Bomber
One thing about tanks (Mua's in this category): they have poor magical defense. Sharon takes the cake.