Season 42, Week 1
(Final Fantasy IX)
It has taken 42 seasons, but she’s finally starting to get the recognition she deserves! After the stunning victory over Ricardo for the Light championship, Bounty Hunter Lani is ready to go all out for another win, this time in a division a step up for some real credit. Her first opponent this season is a fellow axe-user, but that won’t deter her at all – she can dance circles around this guy! Not only that, but this guy’s defense against spells is so poor, Lani will be able to win before Ayne even moves. It’s all looking up for her here, and then Lani can get to important things, like fawning over Amarant, and building up a record that’ll make some nay-sayers’ jaws drop!



Well, isn’t this quite the match of opposites. Ayne, the calm, gentle, slow but devastating physical tank faces Lani, the rather tough-talking, speedy, but frail mage. Of course, one could note that with Ayne’s impressive durability, he should have few issues tanking many of Lani of spells, while his own potent chain of blows should spell the mercenary’s end in a few brutal, painful turns. However, in the end, the old proverb will prove true: Nothing can stand up to an axe to the face. Lani is short, and therefore her small axe cannot reach Ayne’s face. Ayne is tall, and his axe is monstrous, and soon Lani may have no face. See? Proverbs never steer anyone wrong.

There's one thing you have to consider before you look at this match:

Whenever you have a big hulking guy wielding an axe, what is their success ratio at like...well, ANYTHING?

...I think my point is clear.

Lani: 33
Ayne: 13