Season 53, Week 3
Laguna Loire
(Final Fantasy VIII)
Laguna is a man of many talents. Warrior, journalist, movie actor, resistance-leader, president... but one of these abilities stands out as unusually powerful. Card-player. Yes, using Esthar's cheaty rules and Squall's card, Laguna is no pushover at the Triple Triad table. This Alonso fellow couldn’t resist a gamble that he knew was rigged... all it should take is a bit of taunting, and soon enough Alonso will be selling his weapons and armor to take Laguna on with a new deck of Funguars and Bite Bugs. Enfeebled, he'll be no match in the "real" duel afterward!



Alonso and Laguna seem like types who'd get along well at the bar for drinks after the match. Both are free spirits with complicated ways of showing affection for women; Laguna abandoned his wife and son to lead a nation, after all. Still, they've both got big hearts at the end of the day. Alonso also has a big spear, which he intends to carefully poke Laguna with until he's properly weakened up. Then comes the closing Lancer Smash for the kill. All in the spirit of friendly competition, of course! Drinks for everyone afterward. (Just don't ask who's paying.)


Laguna is an intelligent person, evidence to the contrary aside.

After all, he became ruler of Esthar and didn't promptly blow it up.

He's somehow survived in dangerous situations despite being both a spaz and a klutz.

Obviously he has something upstairs. Along with lots of good luck, probably.

What does this have to do with this match?


"...never...fighting...him...again..." Alonso muttered. "OW! Can't you guys give me more anesthetic or something?"

"Sorry, it wouldn't do much good. Too near the nerves." A generic Cleric noted. "Damn! This is horrible!" Alonso cried out, as he winced again. "Can't you just knock me out?" "Nope, healing magic doesn't work right on unconcious people half the time, depending on their home game and how much censorship it had. We've taken to just not using it." "Gah!"

"Well, it's not our faults you got shot a few dozen times in the ass." The generic mumbled. "And this isn't going to be nearly as bad as when you have to turn over."

"grhgllllllgaaaah." Alonso gargled.

Sometimes, deterrant for the future is worth a temporary loss. Laguna may have lost this battle, but he has not lost the war against Alonso.

Laguna Loire: 18
Alonso: 22