Season 8, Week 1
(Lunar 2: Eternal Blue)
He may be an old man, but given how many monsters you find in ancient ruins, living long enough to be an old archeologist means having some power of your own. And though Gwyn may be relying on Hiro more than he used to, he's still an effective force in a fight. Indeed, with his Strength and Defense lowering spells, as well as his healing, he'll show just how he's managed to live so long in his profession.



Aguro is ever the steadfast warrior. In his duties as a member of the military, in his friendship with Jerin or as a mighty foe to the Sinistrals, Aguro stood by and did what was needed of him. He brings these elements into his first RPGDL match, against Gwyn. The mighty Zirco Axe he swings can cleave the toughest oppoents in a matter of a few strokes, and the elderly Gwyn is far from tough. Proud and loyal, Aguro will try and force his way past Gwyn and began his trek to a coveted Light championship.

Gwyn can lower Aguro's attack. So freaking what? He has -no- damage to back up his status attacks, and his HP and defense are pitful. Aguro can easily withstand the stat downs, and take home a win.

Gwyn: 9
Aguro: 15

Alright, lets look at ONE fact. Aguro is a well trained, battle hardened, experienced young (by his opponents standards) Soldier. Gwyn is a weak, brittle, archaelogist, old man. Don't think I need to say more?