Season 26, Week 2
(Final Fantasy IX)
Some might say that Lani is far too powerful for Light. Her spells tear her opponents to shreds, extreme speed allows her to outrace them all, and she is almost completely status immune. Funny that: the sluggish Kongol, known for his magical frailty and dependance on status is her first opponent. Lani may even face some tougher foes this season, but the Giganto will be a breeze through. Lani's Aero castings should tear a massive hole in Kongol’s enormous gut, stopping him from even raising his weapon.



While Kongol may lack in brains, he's one of the finest that Light has to offer. Kongol's legendary Giganto resilience, strength and vitality are something that few, particularly the weak human Lani, can match. While Lani has wind magic - the bane of any Giganto - her magical prowess is pathetic, surely not enough to even scratch Kongol's battle-hardened skin. Meanwhile, Kongol's mighty axe can cleave apart anything in his path, and Lani isn't well-known for her resilience. Kongol's obscene strength shall tear apart frail little Lani in record time.

Lani's victory is simple, here, isn't it?

Her opponent is slow, hates magic more than Jogurt hates stiff breezes, and isn't really that special in any other way. His weaknesses play to her strengths.

Sure, he has an axe. This has been a good way to get ahead in the Duelling League. But it's not going to save him here, alone.

When Lani entered the arena, Kongol was nowhere to be found, though.

Then, with a rush of wings, it was over.

Kongol had turned Dragoon before the match.

Sure, the judges disqualified him for powering up before the match and flying into ambush position. So, maybe he lost, in a technical sense.

But he proved a fundamental truth.

An axe to the face is one way to get ahead in life.

But an axe to the back of the skull gets you everywhere.

Lani: 53
Kongol: 34