Season 54, Week 1
(Wild Arms 2)
Ard ard ard! The mightiest lizard in Filgaia is ready to pump fists and give the opposition an ARDent run for their money! Ard may not have his genius companion to give him that chemical juice for his ultimate mountain-busting punching powers, but his ramming might swings this lizard by just fine! And the funky alien groove typical of an outer space dweller definitely makes him one of the coolest Lights around! Now, against the train-obsessed Selphie Tilmitt, he shouldn't need more than his funkadelic powers of punch and groove, right? Right! With his attacks, Ard can avoid her annoying limits just fine, and she can't even dent the lizard's tough skin with those spinning sticks of her! With much jammin' and crashin', Ard will make all the way to the stars in this Light season!



"Train, train, take us away, take us away, far away, to the future we will go~ AND TRAAAAAINWRECK!" That's right, all you pitiful fools, the ultimate homicidal maniac Selphie Tilmitt is baaaaaack~ and more than ready to plow over any fool who dares stop the train lover from taking the field by storm! With her mighty Strange Vision, the field will be sure to cower - and let's face it, this hyperactive lizard's just begging for a solid thrashing, anyway, which she'll be sure to provide with her speedy nunchuck blows. Beyond that? Well... if the lizard's dumb enough to knock her into a limit, he can count on her simply healing away the damage or nuking Ard into oblivion - and, if all else fails, it's The End of the line for Ard's train... Hehe. Trainwreck, trainwreck, take them away, far away, and craaaaaash~

Selphie likes trains.

Ard likes dump trucks.

Clearly there is a mutual love of heavy machinery here.

As such, this can only be solved one way.


"....Ardardaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad~" Ard chimed out.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT REALLY IS BETTER!" Selphie cried, as the combined freight train and dump truck smashed through an arena wall, smashing into the crowd and bursting alight.

Well, it was Selphie's idea. It couldn't possibly go well, could it?

Of course, Ard was more than happy to throw the match. After all, Selphie had the idea.

Liz is still trying to figure out a way to market the idea. His current plan is to use it for orbital spacecraft launches.

How the hell will that work?

Ask the dump truck that somehow got up there.

Ard: 13
Selphie Tilmitt: 29