Season 35, Week 5
(Final Fantasy IV)
With the stamina of a thousand men and fists of fury, Yang is a forced to be reckoned with - as his last three opponents have painfully learned. And now, with a berth in the finals his at last, the fighter from Fabool is finally garnering the respect he deserves. It’s about time. With his sleep-inducing physical, his great speed, and his deep reserve of hit points, he’s sure to do smashingly against a spoony bard. As long as that bard doesn’t happen to sneak a frying pan into the arena, then Yang is sure to take home his first championship.



Once again, Light’s most famous and handsome bard prince has reached the division finals, and this time he will not let an opponent from FF4 deny him his championship. While the powers of his beautiful voice may not immediately win the manly Yang over, no civilized person is completely immune to its effect. And though Yang’s sleep-inducing attack may give Karyl some trouble, his paltry damage will give the Bard many chances to heal himself and attack with his own status. Eventually, all men will fall before the power of Karyl’s Golden Voice.

Oh sure, Karyl can throw down. Man, he's oldschool, back when they did things right. You mess with him, he'll freaking sing your butt down into the ground. But man, you can't compete with kung fu. That cat'll Catclaw your butt so hard you wanna crawl back under the rock, man. Not even electric guitars of doom can fight that crap.


Yang: 45
Karyl Sheeden: 25