Season 32, Week 2
Maya Schroedinger
(Wild Arms 3)
Surely you can hear it? The Disaster Girl of the Wilderness and future President of Filgaia has returned to the arena, and already an aura of destruction hangs in the air. This season, Maya Schroedinger plans to make Heavy her sparkling jewel, and erase the shame of having it slip through her fingers fourteen seasons back. Opposing her dream is the Dark Dragoon Rose, but she presents no threat to the costume-changing Drifter. Maya's preferred strategy of "shoot 'em with so many guns they won't know what hit 'em" will encounter no roadblocks here, as Rose's physical durability is hardly impressive. Once Calamity Jane comes out to play, it will be lights out for the warrior of darkness, and the carving of Ms. Schroedinger's swath of ruin through Heavy will be officially underway.



The dark dragoon Rose has a tragic backstory, both in her home game and in the Duelling League. After a less than successful Godlike career and a subsequent downgrade to Heavy, Rose has quite a slate to clean - after all, her name of power has been terribly sullied so far. However, things are looking up; Maya Schroedinger, despite being cunning and fond of dress-overs for her fights, can't do much against Rose's powerful rapier fighting and dragoon magic. So, a Demon's Dance, finish off with a Dark Dragon summon and that's a day for this sorrowful Dragoon. Rose may have long fallen from grace ere these many moons, but she will prove this season that she can climb back up to the Olympus of the Duelling League and stay there, a worthy member of the elite!

*A day before the match, onboard the Space Station Zelan.*

"What do you mean, we're picking up garbage?" Demi asked. "We're in orbit around a low-overall-technology sub-planet. There's nothing that we could possibly be picking up."

Wren shrugged. "Look for yourself." Wren said, as he pulled up a secondary display screen.

"...Oh, those. I'd not thought about that... Kefka shipped all of them into low orbit." Demi said. "It was in the massive sheaf of warnings they shipped us when we parked Zelan in orbit around the Duelling League planet."

"We really shouldn't have taken this job." Wren noted, shaking his head at the "garbage" piling up on the outside of the space station.

"Well, this place needed weather control, this station wasn't useful where it was...we both know it made sense at the time." Demi said. "Well, let's just gather all of this up and launch it back to the planet."

"...Do you think they'll be able to handle that?" Wren noted curiously.

"They're made out of a composite of NPC and Mascot genetic material. They'd survive being thrown into a supernova. Let's get started." Demi nodded, satisfied.

*A day later.*

"You know, there's one problem." Demi noted, as she watched Wren arm the rocket designed to take the load of "trash" home.

"What?" Wren asked.

*WHAM.* "That. They keep moving around in there." Demi said. "It'll screw up the aim."

"Hm. Do you think that's a problem?" "Not particularly. The odds are vastly against any vital sites being struck. Besides, no one will ever be able to trace it back to us." Demi noted dryly. "You've been around Rika too much." Wren said, as he armed the rocket. "Let's get back inside, before this melts us."


"Hah! I'll show you." Maya said, grinning. "You think you can just walk in and step all over me?"

"Well, you are a lunatic, so no." Rose noted.

"...Hey! I resent that. I'm going to show you one of my newest techniques." Maya added, as she held up...a CD.

Then promptly changed into Dragoon form.

"What do you think of this?" Divine Dragoon Maya said, grinning. "Isn't it your worst nightmare? You're weaker than me, you're slower than me, and you can't kill me in one shot! You're finished!"

"Is that legal?" Rose called up to the judges box.

"Kupo?" "Kupo. Kupopo!" "Kupo!?" "Kupo." "Kupo." "Kuuupo!" A legion of moogles happily argued over the legality.

"...Why do they have a policy of making so many random people judges? I can see some of this, but why a bunch of random moogles? Just because that group's popular..." Rose sighed. "Alright. Let's see what you've got, then."

Maya, grinning broadly, rose into the air.

"Ahhhh! Divine Dragon Can-URG." Maya cut off in mid-attack, as a massive ball of flaming red crushed her to the earth.

" it always like this here?" Rose asked curiously.

A chorus of ten kupos answered her.

Maya had been crushed by several thousand Moombas and a half-ton of shredded rocket parts.

"...Eheh? They came back?" Kefka said, stunned, as he watched the Moombas flood out of the arena. "Well, I guess I just have to send them back up! Eeeeheheheheheh!" Kefka said, racing to gather up the stray Moombas.

"...well, she's out. So do I win?" Rose asked.

Another chorus of affirmative kupos answered her, along with several hundred Moomba squeaks.


"Hah! Dragoons. I know where the real power is, now. Their fierce, mighty paws, their adorable stature, their flaming red hair...clearly Moomba-style battle is the ultimate in fighting techniques!" Maya said weakly, from her bed.

"...Does anyone want to mention how bad her concussion is?" Shady asked.

"Not really." Alfred replied, as Maya rambled on about Moombas.


Ultimately, Kefka against Moomba was a terrifying struggle.

But in the end, it was a total rout.

Kefka never had a chance. The lack of the element of surprise doomed him.

Laguna's pretty happy now, though. He never has to work a day in his life, now that the Moombas are back.

And in the end, isn't Laguna's happiness all that really matters?

Maya Schroedinger: 23
Rose: 32