Season 18, Week 3
Rofel Wodring
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
After crushing the poor Sonya Shulen, Rofel Wodring presses on forward. And in this match, he will face the kind of dueller he fears most: a boss with non-physical skills. Maya's costume changing will give Rofel quite a run, but he shall not be intimidated by it; the Schroedinger's damage isn't exactly impressive, and Wild ARMs bosses aren't... well... known for their excellence. With his trusty sword skills and his hood, Rofel shall claim another win and live to terrorize Heavy. No magical costume-changing girl will stand in his way!



Fresh from her stunning debut victory, Maya Schroedinger's back and ready to blaze a trail towards the semifinals. The Shrine Knight's weapon-breaking gimmick won't do him much good here, nor will Maya succumb to any of his status tricks. This leaves the two bosses locked in a straight-up slugfest, and that's exactly what Maya excels at. Calamity Jane should wear down Rofel's HP quick enough, and after he falls, Filgaia's most glamorous drifter will be one step closer to that prized championship.

If there is one thing that Suikoden and characters like Raven has thought us, it is this.

All knights and knight-like figures are gay.

While it is true that some knights like Cecil have female love interests, they are either exceptions that prove the rule, or were closetted regarding their true orientation before entering the RPGDL, as in the case of Dart and Lavitz. The truth of the matter is, if you wear armor and wield a sword/lance/spear, you simply adore "sword practices" that last all night-long with your commander, underling, best friend, or much-despised-but-secretly-adored rival.

However, some knights are less fortunate than others. The Shrine Knights of Ivalice for example, were the warriors of the Church before arriving in the Dueling League and had trained thermselves to bottle up their sexual urges due to the entire chastity thing.

Of course, as any psychologist would tell you, all that sexual repression is never a good thing, and it is a very rare individual who could actually hold all that lust in.

As was proven by Rofel in his match against Maya, when she entered the ring with the Zodiac Brave Story in hand, looking very much like an extremely dashing version of Vormav.

After a few sweet nothings that made the Shrine Knight blush like a school girl, some erotic murmurs to convince him to drop his sword and unlatch his armor, and many, many bullets to the sternum after the drifter returned to her much preferred costume and pulled out her favorite Gatling Gun from under her skirt while laughing maniacally, Maya advanced to the Heavy semi-finals much to the shock of everyone watching on that day.

Rofel Wodring: 21
Maya Schroedinger: 25