Season 43, Week 2
Arnaud G. Vasquez
(Wild ARMs 4)
It took a long time, but through the use of superior tactics and tenacity, the man with more confidence from the neck up than half the DL put together has fought his way into Heavy. Arnaud's first opponent is a warrior from another Filgaia, but Maya Schroedinger isn't quite what he's used to in an opponent. Unlike every fighter from his home world, Maya will be unaffected by his most dangerous move, Slow Down, which changes his strategy significantly. Fortunately, until Maya gets desperate she'll only be using her pistols, which Arnaud can easily dodge, leaving him plenty of time to watch her patterns and apply Hyper-enhanced beatdowns at the critical time. It's not as clean-cut as his previous matches, but it is a whole new division.



A razor-sharp intellect is one way to get ahead in life, this is true, but it's hard to argue with a gatling gun to the face. Yep, Calamity Jane is going to be Maya's trump card in this brutal fight. While that's usually her best option anyway just because of the raw damage, in this fight it also gives her the vital advantage of ignoring Arnaud's vaunted evasion. So no playing around, this time Maya's going to snag that coveted title of Heavy President (er, Champ) for sure, and Arnaud's going to be met with a hail of bullets from beginning to end, drowning out his poor little attacks. Well, unless Maya wants to exploit her mage form's Reflect and Erasure spells to really cramp Arnaud's style, further mocking poor Arnaud's stat manipulation abilities...

On the days before the fight, Arnaud researched his opponent, checking up on Maya's battles both on Filgaia and in the DL. After burning the midnight oil for many days, Arnaud and his razor-sharp intellect came up matching strategies for each of Maya's forms, which will, if not guarantee absolute victory, at least give him a damn good shot at a win.

Maya, on the other hand, spent her days leading to her match reading Haruhi Suzumiya light novels.

Maya's reality-warping Data Integration Thought Entity form was a truly frightening thing to behold.

Arnaud G. Vasquez: 13
Maya Schroedinger: 44