Signors, welcome to the RPG Dueling League, an online community dedicated to pitting the fiercest, most PASSIONATE competitors from the RPG world against each other in a battle of fighting skill, and then democratically deciding who wins. I am your humble host, Morrie, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Arena, or as I like to call it, THE MONSTROUS PIT!!!

The RPGDL is a site where anyone can vote on a series of matches between a host of different RPG characters every week. Each Season, match-ups are organized by random selection among the 4 different divisions: "Light", "Middle", "Heavy", and "Godlike". The winners of the initial match-ups are decided by which contestant receives the most votes, and then continue on to fight the other winners in a tournament setup until the end of a season, ending up with 4 champions, one from each division. The sixth week of a season features a team match where the Godlike champion and other three runner-ups face off against the Godlike runner-up and other three champions; as well as a chance for re-rankings among the divisions. Not that difficult, ay?

So welcome to the RPGDL, signors, we hope you enjoy your stay! For a more in-depth summation of the features of the site, head over to the FAQ. For more information on the Rules, Chat, exciting additional tournaments, or stat topics, which detail information about all your favorite duelers, visit or join the Forum.

Ready for the link of the week, signors? The Not Ranked duelling league is OPEN! The usual electic assortment of fighters are ready and waiting for everyone to come see them in action. Week Five is still open! Come see the action! Come check out the Not Ranked Monster Pit Here, and see the matchups before they happen!

I hope to see you around again. The Monstrous Pit needs voters like YOU always, signors.
Friday already!?
This week flew by faster than Odin's chance at a championship.
Oh, suck it up, mop-boy. At least you had a decent shot.
Robots! Why must robots immune magic!
Something about not believing in god or something.
Atheism gives you magical powers. Remember that, kids!
Thanks, Dawkins, but let's stick to the things that make BtS great! Such as: Deep Dark RPG Character Secrets! hair..really isn't silver. Oh god, I'm so ashamed....
Hidden personality traits!
I'm a furry.
That's not really a sec-
And all the Odin Abuse you can stomach!
Not again.
Tea party time!
Let's go!
Oh God. I mean, Oh Meeeeeeee!
Back on track.
Well done. I can't imagine you can be convinced to start the show, now?
I'm still waiting for a real hidden personality trait.
I still don't g-
What the hell was..?
Don't ask, Gilgamesh. Just...don't ask.
....uhhhh..Hello, Dear Readers! I, Chisato Madison, and the usual crew of Behind the Scenes are here to provide you with in-depth discussion of Week 4's matches! We're almost done with Season 38, and competition is as high as ever. With us now are Piastol and Emelious.
Haha! Looks like a another easy win for me.
Yeah? We'll see in the arena.
No love lost between you two, I see. Thoughts on the match?
Tempest Dance. Next!
With XORN, can you really expect to defeat me? I, who nearly destroyed the world? You can't dare get past me and the pain I've suffered?
Pain? My entire family was killed in a pirate attack. Top that.
Well, I had to speak to the Guardians even though I didn't want too, and..uhh..I felt really 'incomplete' for some reason. Also, I...uh...
Yeah, I can feel for you there. Having a privleged position as the translator to the rulers of the world. Must be harsh.
Did I mention that I'm related to Alfina? Can you imagine the love and friendship speeches?
It's not like Vyse and co. weren't afraid to get all goody-goody either.
Yeah, but that was back when somebody might actually care.
No, nobody ever cared what RPG characters thought. Ever.
I...I have half a tatoo on my hand?
Okay, that's about enough of that. Away with you!
This tea is simply Fabulous!
Oh, no.
Oookay. Tidus? Geddoe?
It's been awhile since I've competed so competitively. Heh. Competed so competitively. Man, I feel funny. Maybe I better tell Wakka to tone down the Blitzbong a little.
Hi, guys. Geddoe, Tidus is no slouch. How are you going to deal with his speed and ability to shut down parts of your offense?
Well, I'll just have to fall back on my trusty sword. I'm sure in a straight-on swordfight I can hold my own. Though if he shows up like this he might wander out of the arena on his own. I can only hope.
Wow, man. Wow. That is, Chisato. How are you? I seem to be a little lost. You look awfully fuzzy for some reason. Have you been shaving lately? Can I sit here awhile? I feel kinda weird.
....the match, Tidus?
That eye-patched talking cactus seems pretty cool. I bet I can just stab him in his glowing weak-point three times. And then collect all the golden coins. I can probably Quick Hit him to death before he does anything notable. Will this be on the exam? Wait-Are you gonna eat that octopus?
Hey! Hands off the merchandise!
Not again!
What did I ever do to you, Cannabis!?
You're like a bag of Cheetos to them.
While Gil and Ultros fight off the inebriated Tidus, why don't we have a nice chat with our Middles, Garr and Silmeria?
Nice to be here.
Not bad for my first season, eh?
Garr, how does it feel to be going up against a goddess?
Eh, I'm not too worried. My Swordian and I can easily take anything she shoots our way, and she won't last long once I get into range. She can't back away forever.
Or can I? I can run around and charge up AP all I like. Let's see you take on my Soul Crush once I chip you down enough.
Eh. I'm not too worried. You're like the Diet Coke of the Valkyrie sisters anyway.
How dare you!
Still here? Shouldn't you be off possesssing young girls or getting captured by nerdcromancers right now?
He does kinda have a point.
Screw you guys! I'm getting Lenneth and then you'll pay! YOU'LL ALL PAY!
If I know Lenneth, and I don't, she'll probably be busy sucking face with Lucian to bother coming after us.
Better hurry this up just in case.
Good idea. Lights this week are Cid and Viki!
Hahahah! Not too shabby for an old man like myself.
I'm Viki!
You sure are.
It'd be almost a shame to fight a pretty young girl like you. But, rules is rules. Your teleport magic can only help you so much, and there's no way you're getting past MY durability!
I have no idea what you're talking about, but-Huh? My Viki senses are tingling.
Whenever young, effeminate men are building an army to overthrow an evil empire, cosmic forces shall draw me near. I need to go.
I'm not a chicken! I'm Viki! Now, to teleport myself out of here. I'm sure it will work correctly this time. Yes.
For some reason I am skeptical.
Bah! Just like a youngster to run away. Well, more time to build another airship. Needs more propellers. All over the place. Especially in windows. No room for a bathroom, though. Need the space for my Who Needs High School Physics Engine Mach III. If you'll excuse me.
Well, that was anti-climatic.
Just not the same without violence.
Or threats of violence.
A show's a show. Who cares?
Well, now what are we gon-
I'm outta here! This is Chisato, signing off! RUN!