Signors, welcome to the RPG Dueling League, an online community dedicated to pitting the fiercest, most PASSIONATE competitors from the RPG world against each other in a battle of fighting skill, and then democratically deciding who wins. I am your humble host, Morrie, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Arena, or as I like to call it, THE MONSTROUS PIT!!!

The RPGDL is a site where anyone can vote on a series of matches between a host of different RPG characters every week. Each Season, match-ups are organized by random selection among the 4 different divisions: "Light", "Middle", "Heavy", and "Godlike". The winners of the initial match-ups are decided by which contestant receives the most votes, and then continue on to fight the other winners in a tournament setup until the end of a season, ending up with 4 champions, one from each division. The sixth week of a season features a team match where the Godlike champion and other three runner-ups face off against the Godlike runner-up and other three champions; as well as a chance for re-rankings among the divisions. Not that difficult, ay?

So welcome to the RPGDL, signors, we hope you enjoy your stay! For a more in-depth summation of the features of the site, head over to the FAQ. For more information on the Rules, Chat, exciting additional tournaments, or stat topics, which detail information about all your favorite duelers, visit or join the Forum.

Ready for the link of the week, signors? The Not Ranked duelling league is OPEN! The usual electic assortment of fighters are ready and waiting for everyone to come see them in action. Week Five is still open! Come see the action! Come check out the Not Ranked Monster Pit Here, and see the matchups before they happen!

I hope to see you around again. The Monstrous Pit needs voters like YOU always, signors.
YES! Finally, it's my time in the spotlight! I'll show them all!!!!
What on earth is he going on about?
Oh, hey chief. You didn't hear? Odin finally got in this season.
We're never going to hear the end of his bragging if he wins, are we?
And who dares stand against the Lord of All Gods? Some fancy colored bird!? HAH! I'll tear it apart! I'll stuff a pillow with it's feathers! I'll..
Doesn't look like he's waiting for a win to start.
Ugh. Let's just get things started, alright? Someone send in the Godlikes.
What? You're not going to beat him into shutting up?
Who are you and what have you done with Chisato?
Don't start with me. I just woke up feeling a little sick is all. Don't feel like getting Odin blood on me today.
You woke up feeling sick? wouldn't happen to be having any weird cravings, would you?
Well now that you mention it, I could go for some calimari.
Shutting up now.
Smart. Now someone get the Godlikes out here.
Godlikes!? Pah! Why waste your time with mere pretenders while a TRUE God stands already in your midst!?
Well, I see Odin is in fine form this morning.
Aha, Brahms! How unfortunate that you would be fighting in the same season as I. I shall enjoy triumphing over you in the upgrade pools!
...I see. Miss Chisato, shall I silence this excuse for a god?
Would you?
Of course. Pokeball, go!
What? Since when do you fight with pokemon?
So you seek to test me before our match, do you? Then die!
I took up pokemon training between seasons as a hobby. It's quite easy, really. Anyway, Ho-Oh, use Sacred Fire!
Argh! My pants are on fire, my pants are on fire!
Hah, only the icy colds of Muspleheim can put out Ho-Oh's fires. You'll never make it there before you burn to a crisp!
That's what you think! Haaaaaaa!
Aaaaand he's gone. But I thought Muspleheim was all fire?
And you would be correct.
I'll give that one six thumbs up. Best Odin owning I've seen in awhile.
Why thank you. And if that's all, I'll take my leave now. I need to prepare for my match with someone far more fearsome then Odin.
You mean that mute kid with the giant head?
The very one. Ho-Oh, return!
Well, that's Godlike, and I suppose Odin and the bird can count for Heavy, so onto our Middle guests.
Actually, you're forgetting a Godlike. We've still got Emolicious over there booked for an interview.
Me! He's talking about me you harridan! I demand my rightful recognition!
Oh, right. So, onto Middle then?
Hey, you can't just ignore me like that!
Ooh, burn.
Righto. Introducing our Middle guests, last season's Light Champion Palom, and for the first time in 38 seasons, Kasim Hazil.
Ah, "champion Palom". I like the sound of that.
Um, isn't someone going to see to that whining man over there?
I am not whining!
You want to give him your air time?
I suppose not.
So Palom, how do you plan to handle Silmeria? She may be the weakest valkyrie but when the others are Lenneth and the new and improved Hrist, that's not saying much.
Eh, I'll just blow her up with some spells, maybe turn her into a frog. It's not like I can actually lose to some stupid ho with a bow.
Hmph. I'd tell you to mind your manners boy, but it's clear you have neither manners nor mind.
Hey, watch it old man. You're talking to a champion! I'll turn you into a pig and barbeque...
Bratapult fire!
Was that really necessary? The threats of a loudmouthed child do not frighten, nor insult me in the least.
Oh, that wasn't for you mustache. That was just all the Palom I could stand after last season. Who booked him again for this week anyway?
Hey, all you people stop ignoring me!
What? I can't get enough of watching that kid get beat down.
Hmm, alright, I can let that slide then. Anyway, Kasim, any big plans for your first ever match?
I shall fight with honor and overwhelm my opponent with all the experience of my many years of fighting.
Uh huh. And when, excuse me, if that doesn't work?
Then I will have fought my best and I have no regrets.
Hey, can I have your sword if you lose?
Aw. Well, nice having you. Onto the Lights then?
LIGHTS!? You still haven't finished Godlike yet! Interview me!
Light it is. Miranda and Renault, come on out.
You're enjoying that way too much, Chisato.
You expected anything else?
From you, how could she?
Oh like you don't, armboy. Anyway, Miranda, you're new to the DL. How do you think you'll fare against Renault here.
It's Renault. That's about as close to a free pass as you get without fighting Jogurt.
Harsh words. Renault?
Honestly, I wouldn't be too certain of your chances against even that notable. I'll just counter her to death with holy magic. It's pretty much what I do.
I swear if you say that one more time I'm going to turn you into a codpiece for Emolicious over there.
My name is Emelious! EMELIOUS!
Sure it is. Anyway, would you care to say a few words about your match?'re going to interview me now?
Sure, you've got the rest of the show all to yourself.
All ten seconds of it.
Ten seconds? You can't interview someone as important as myself in just ten...
Oh, and time's up! Enjoy the fights folks, and have a great week. This is Gilgamesh, signing off!