Signors, welcome to the RPG Dueling League, an online community dedicated to pitting the fiercest, most PASSIONATE competitors from the RPG world against each other in a battle of fighting skill, and then democratically deciding who wins. I am your humble host, Morrie, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Arena, or as I like to call it, THE MONSTROUS PIT!!!

The RPGDL is a site where anyone can vote on a series of matches between a host of different RPG characters every week. Each Season, match-ups are organized by random selection among the 4 different divisions: "Light", "Middle", "Heavy", and "Godlike". The winners of the initial match-ups are decided by which contestant receives the most votes, and then continue on to fight the other winners in a tournament setup until the end of a season, ending up with 4 champions, one from each division. The sixth week of a season features a team match where the Godlike champion and other three runner-ups face off against the Godlike runner-up and other three champions; as well as a chance for re-rankings among the divisions. Not that difficult, ay?

So welcome to the RPGDL, signors, we hope you enjoy your stay! For a more in-depth summation of the features of the site, head over to the FAQ. For more information on the Rules, Chat, exciting additional tournaments, or stat topics, which detail information about all your favorite duelers, visit or join the Forum.

Ready for the link of the week, signors? The Not Ranked duelling league is OPEN! The usual electic assortment of fighters are ready and waiting for everyone to come see them in action. Week one is still open! Come see the action! Come check out the Not Ranked Monster Pit Here, and see the matchups before they happen! We also have our Site Nomination Pools! Go submit your favorite fighters for next season! Want to see someone new? Someone who was just in five seasons ago? Everyone's welcome to submit their picks!

I hope to see you around again. The Monstrous Pit needs voters like YOU always, signors.
Week 5 again...
Still no championship, eh, my newly ranked little rage-target?
I don't know where you get off, as long as it took you.
I'll get one eventually. And you better hope I don't come across you when I do, because then I will have my REVENGE! THEN WE WILL SEE WHO MOPS THE FLOORS AND GETS THE ABUSE AND SOMETIMES WETS THE BED! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
....Odin. didn't mean too...
You know the price for induling in manaical laughter without your Nanjo Corp Manaical Laughter Badge. Now you must enter...the room.
Take him away, boys.
In you go. Tough luck, buddy.
This isn't going to end well.
Glomped to death by the Mist Dragon. He'll be missed.
Well, without Odin around to torture, it's just not as fun. Send out the interviewees and let's get started.
Started...torturing the interviewees?
Considering how our interviews often turn out....
Good enough for me. Let's go.
Once again, Dear Readers, let me welcome you to another exciting episode of Behind The Scenes! The season is almost over, and the finalists are anxious to begin the battle for the ultra-coveted championship! While our finalists don't really need an introduction, I am still forced to welcome Sephiroth and Piastol!
That's not really an introduction anyway...
...your point being?
I don't know.
Why bring it up then?
Why don't you just shut up?
Save it for the match, pretty-boy. Now then, both of you are well accustomed to this sort of thing. As a pair of experienced duellers this should be a good fight. But what gives you the edge?
Her immunity to Pale Horse is a bit of a setback, but I'm sure I can manage to run her through like so many frail, defenseless flower girls with their backs turned...... //SO2_Chisato+4~/
.....Well, at least he isn't a perv. As for myself, Eternum won't work, but Tempest Dance should take him apart. I have the speed advantage and that should make all the difference.
Fair enough. Moving on, we-
Wait a minute. You're fast?
Blindingly so.
Does gallons of ice cream give you super speed, my lard-filled lady?
..........What did you just say to me?
Maybe if you cleared the blubber out of your ears, you'd hear better, Chunkula. Hehehe. Good work with the burn, Sephy.
Not from up here, Lunchbox. Catch you later, if you haven't had cheese doodles clog up your bloodstream by then.
Well, I can certaintly say I didn't expect that. Here I thought Sephiroth was supposed to be somewhat charming...
Oh, Edge paid him to say that stuff. Cost quite a bit, but hey, he's royalty. They have tons of gold and make a treasure room with five herbs and a sword to fool adventuring heroes. I can't believe he stole my fat joke theme, though.
Heh. Look at 'em go.
Bet she wishes she had her airship now.
Focus, people.
Arnaud and I have stuff to do. Can we get interviewed now?
God Generals aren't used to waiting, you know.
Oh, whatever. Raquel?
I see no reason why my damage and some use of Moonlight won't let me cut another evildoer into pieces.
I have two reasons, and they're both fully loaded right now. Let's see you walk away riddled with bullets, Applegate.
My flashing blade pierces the darkness, and also let's me survive bullets. Hell, Jeremy had a gatling gun and he was the easiest of the bunch, besides those weirdo dolls.
Well, my bullets are special.
Uh huh.
Besides, I have to do my best for General Van! He's counting on me.
Oh gee, a villainess with an infatuation with the main bad guy.
Never seen that before.
My teeth chatter with unheard of levels of originality.
Shut up!
Yeah, yeah. Off with you now.
Weird lady.
They're all a pathetic bunch. Almost as lame as the Wisemen, or Brionac, or the numerous evil groups of knights, or...ah, who the hell am I kidding, groups of antagonists always suck. They're just par for the course.
It's a sad genre we live in.
At least you got to be in the hero group, which means that you're the group of winning dumbasses.
You're starting to get awfully Squall-like, chief.
One more use of the S-word and you go straight to the Dragon room, skully.
....I'll be good.
Middles, people!
About what we've always got out of him. Well, Philia, think you can handle Sleeping Beauty over there?
He's pretty tough, but I like my odds, especially with my swordian at hand.
Well, that was anticlimatic. Pity he never wakes up in anything but a homicidal rage.
I have a plan. Stand back, everybody! WAKE UP, JUAN!
Go! Folgers Coffee!
RAGE! DESRUCTION! HAAA-huh? Coffee...good. Rage...disappearing. Ability to handle life...returning. Self-narration of symptoms..ending. Thank you, kind octopus! Now, to continue my day fully refreshed and ready to face any obstacle that comes my way. And it's all thanks to delicious Folgers Coffee!
Folgers Coffee: Because It's The Only Thing Holding Back Your Homicidal Rages.
That was beautiful.
Well, that was certainly amusing. Okay, last up are the Lights: Palom and Frank!
Get this old geezer away from me!
Why do people despise Frank? Ninjas need love, too!
Sigh. Frank, can you beat up a little boy?
The life of a Ninja is full of hard choices. I'm sure when it comes down to it I can do anything, even kill an innocent BOY!
Not likely, gramps.
If the fossil even tries to lay a finger on my, I'll blast him into orbit with my magic.
Why not now?
Blah blah blah Ninja blah blah secret technique of unlocking blah blah blah random object to make a sword out of blah blah
Good point. Meteo!
It looks like 'ole Frank is BLAAAAASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAIN!
And that's the end of that chapter.
Oh no, I'm sure we'll be seeing him again. Because if there's one thing I know, it's that the annoying characters always get in a lot. It's like a law.
They also never die. They make roaches look like Luc.
Or shut up. Unless you make them.
And even then..
Oh, this is depressing. I'm gonna go have a drink. Show's over, folks.
Best idea I've heard all day, chief.
Yeah, let's go.
This is your humble cameraman, signing off! See you next week!