Signors, welcome to the RPG Dueling League, an online community dedicated to pitting the fiercest, most PASSIONATE competitors from the RPG world against each other in a battle of fighting skill, and then democratically deciding who wins. I am your humble host, Morrie, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Arena, or as I like to call it, THE MONSTROUS PIT!!!

The RPGDL is a site where anyone can vote on a series of matches between a host of different RPG characters every week. Each Season, match-ups are organized by random selection among the 4 different divisions: "Light", "Middle", "Heavy", and "Godlike". The winners of the initial match-ups are decided by which contestant receives the most votes, and then continue on to fight the other winners in a tournament setup until the end of a season, ending up with 4 champions, one from each division. The sixth week of a season features a team match where the Godlike champion and other three runner-ups face off against the Godlike runner-up and other three champions; as well as a chance for re-rankings among the divisions. Not that difficult, ay?

So welcome to the RPGDL, signors, we hope you enjoy your stay! For a more in-depth summation of the features of the site, head over to the FAQ. For more information on the Rules, Chat, exciting additional tournaments, or stat topics, which detail information about all your favorite duelers, visit or join the Forum.

Ready for the link of the week, signors? The Not Ranked duelling league is OPEN! The usual electic assortment of fighters are ready and waiting for everyone to come see them in action. Week one is still open! Come see the action! Come check out the Not Ranked Monster Pit Here, and see the matchups before they happen! We also have our Tournament Board link of the season. This season we look at the Full Roster tournament of Dhyerwolf's. Ever wanted to see EVERY single awesome fighter in one tournament? Then this is for you! Take a look at the action, aye?

I hope to see you around again. The Monstrous Pit needs voters like YOU always, signors.
Hey guys.
Hey Odin.
What're you looking at?
Oh, Ultros made a photo album for us.
Cool! Lemme see.
This was when we were beating up Odin during Season 23....
Heh. 23 seasons and still begging for mercy.
I slept like a log that night. A seriously injured log.
And this one here was when we set Odin's palace on fire after an all-nighter...
Did you ever get that burnt hair smell out?
Einherjar are quite handy at scrubbing floors. Expecially after I threaten to reincarnate them as blind singing girls or hamsters.
Oh! This was the one where we convinced Vaynard and Duran to take on Zophar in a dance-off after one too many Bartweisers.
I think it's kinda cute.
I threw up a little in my mouth.
And then we all celebrated by beating up on Odin!
Good times.
Nobody's paying you to go down Memory lane, punks. Get to work!
That's my line! But enough with the reminiscing about the past! There's plenty of people out there, hungry for the thoughts and feelings of their favorite duellers, and to see those thoughts ingored and feelings crushed. It's genius, I know.
Whatever. It's Week 3, dear readers, and another session of mayhem on Behind the Scenes! The middle of season is upon us, which means all our duellers have to turn up the heat in order to make it to the nest step. So, without further jabber, here's our Godlikes, Lambda and Royce!
You did a good job before, Lambda, but do you think you can handle Royce as well?
Why not? I can not only ignore her PC-killing moves, I can also predict all her attacks.
Yeah, like that ever works.
What? It does! I predict the future all the time. Like....I predict Odin will be in severe pain before the end of this show!
Not helping your case here.
But it does work! Except when faced with a ragtag gang of children determined to save the world. But how common are people like that?
I just don't have the heart.
I do. This is the DL, my whip-using crybaby. There's at least 15 Spirited Youths per square mile. I met like five just in my game.
...... ;_;
Oh jeez, there he goes again.
Note to self: Tears are much easier to clean up than blood, corpses, or the fallen dignity of our BtS crew and interviewees.
I don't know how he could have that much dignity left. Royce, rebuttal?
Umm...I'm not the one crying? Also, I'm a fortune teller, kind of. I can out-future that wimp any day of the week.
Fair enough. Heavies?
Sorry about Lambda, guys. He's alwasy been a bit emotional.
I just don't get new villains. Back in my day you kept a stiff upper lip and didn't fraternize with the enemy. You were evil, dammit, and that's all that mattered!
Yeah, it would be a shame if you had any personality besides 'evil'.
I don't recall anybody complaining.
Probably because you were dead inside a volanco.
So, ladies, thoughts on the upcoming match.
Well, we both hit pretty hard, but can she kill me before I can Intrude her into the ground? Think about it.
I did, and the answer is yes. I've been mowing down tanky sword-users for a long, long time, and you're not going to be any different, missy.
You both have good points, so the best way to decide this is to see who can cut Odin into tinier pieces. Annnnnd GO!
Huh? I zoned out. Hey, those two ladies are coming at me. I'm sure they're frie-SPLORCH!
I just replaced that carpet! Ugh. All-Father Blood is such a mess.
Gross. If only there was some way to get Odin to clean up his own gory mess...
It's called revival, dude.
That was fun! Raven, Balk?
Don't want to know what I just stepped in.
And they laughed when FFT characters were made noseless. Well, who's laughing NOW!?
I knew this was a bad idea.
Oh, quit complaining. Why don't you go run off to your little Lucius and cry on his shoulder?
Can I ask a question or what?
Oh, hush up. I can run around and blow holes in this joker all day. It's no contest.
If you can ever hit me. Pity your bullets are evadable thanks to my Matrix-esque reflexes.
Pity you stood still and talked long enough for me to get right next to you. And I notice your armor doesn't protect your crotch.
I guess you just got...Balked.
Can we go yet?
Starky needs to get to a sci-fi convention.
Sure. Cleo?
CC character in light.
Suikoden character in light. both suck.
At..least you aren't Zahhak. Or Jogurt.
I guess. But, uh. Fire Rune and blah blah blah. Look at the little guy. I could probably just sit on him.
You sure have enough mass to do so! By which I mean you are overweight which is considered a grave insult by most females. Did Starky just do a 'burn'?
You sure did, little guy. You sure did.
I'm so proud.
Screw you guys. I'm going to sic Tir on you, you'll see!
Good luck getting him away from Gremio.
Okay, are we through here?
Sure, why not. After watching that little display I need some alone time anyway.
Did you get a picture of Odin all mangled?
Of course.
I'm good, then.
Well then, that's a wrap. See you next time, readers! Enjoy our fun-filled matches and come back next week for more of the same old hate-filled fighting on...Behind the Scenes!