Signors, welcome to the RPG Dueling League, an online community dedicated to pitting the fiercest, most PASSIONATE competitors from the RPG world against each other in a battle of fighting skill, and then democratically deciding who wins. I am your humble host, Morrie, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Arena, or as I like to call it, THE MONSTROUS PIT!!!

The RPGDL is a site where anyone can vote on a series of matches between a host of different RPG characters every week. Each Season, match-ups are organized by random selection among the 4 different divisions: “Light”, “Middle”, “Heavy”, and “Godlike”. The winners of the initial match-ups are decided by which contestant receives the most votes, and then continue on to fight the other winners in a tournament setup until the end of a season, ending up with 4 champions, one from each division. The sixth week of a season features a team match where the Godlike champion and other three runner-ups face off against the Godlike runner-up and other three champions; as well as a chance for re-rankings among the divisions. Not that difficult, ay?

So welcome to the RPGDL, signors, we hope you enjoy your stay! For a more in-depth summation of the features of the site, head over to the FAQ. For more information on the Rules, Chat, exciting additional tournaments, or stat topics, which detail information about all your favorite duelers, visit or join the Forum. I hope to see you around again. The Monstrous Pit needs voters like YOU always, signors.

***Ay, signors! Every week from now on I'll be bringing you a fresh slice of the Duelling League and it's culture. Check out the links every update, you could miss something great, ya? I have something you all may be quite, as they say, interested in! The gusto of many teams will be tested by this! Is is called, my friends, the Nyarlathotep's Dungeon! You can find the information about this particular engagement Here! Don't forget to vote in it, signors!

***Signors, there's another contest for you to be involved in! It is the Not Ranked contest for another summer! If you are interested in signing up and being part of this extravaganza, then simply go Here! lpadding='0' cellspacing='3' border='0' width='100%'>
You know what we must do.
Yes. But we should probably say it again so Odin understands it.
I'm the almighty All-Father! Of course I know! But...why don't you just explain it again so we're all clear on it?
What can change the nature of man indeed.
I'm only part man!
Apparently Odin's resistant to philosophical quandries.
I wonder how useful that actually is.
Might help him beat Deathevns?
The chance of Odin getting into Godlike to face him is pretty low. Now, the opposite happening is possible.
What a sissy slap-fight that'd be.
Stop talking about me while I'm not here! I have feelings!
Dear Ravel - I've figured out an answer to your favourite question: Nothing, in the case of Odin.
What's all this philosophical crap for? You aren't paid to think! Or eat, or sleep, or really do anything for that matter.
We really should start a sidekicks union.
So, what's on the agenda for this season, boss? Making fun of the new fighters? Abusing the weakened mental state of old fighters? Pain? Maybe watching Odin's bones break?
Hopefully all of the above. Let's get to work minions! Odin, do something useful!
Right! Come Janice, to the bathrooms!
Is it really healthy to rename your mop every season? Not like I care for Odin's mental stability, but it might be an interesting research project.
Research!? Did someone say research!?
Ugh, not again. All day on the bus here, she wouldn't shut up asking me about my job at Shinra. "Do you know anything about the space program!? What about those walking prod clods!?" My poor head.
I personally found it refreshing. Nice to see someone with a personality and quirks.
Yes, but you're from Phantasy Star 2. A brick has more personality than your entire cast put together.
I don't think I can express a proper emotional response to that insult.
Point indeed.
How about sadness, anger, and remorse?
Someone a little hurt they didn't upgrade into the same divions their girlfriend is in?
I don't understand what happened! I did my best! I guess I'm just not a strong enough adult...
Hey! I'll show you why I won Middle if you keep that up!
What are you going to do, throw some feathers at me?
Burned. Who do we torment next?
Ugh. Stop screaming. I'm still a bit hungover from Profound Darkness' victory party.
Where is he?! Where is he!? Where is that cursed janitor?!
Oh, it's Miss-Used-to-be-a-Puny. What did he do to you this time? Get your and Freya's pet names confused again?
He thinks he owns me! I am not a mere servant of his anymore! I will not do his laundry anymore!
And this time you can actually make good on those threats since you know...hit him?
Indeed! His mop is no match for the might of Gungnir!
I think he went to the bathrooms to clean them. Go get him!
Victory is mine!
Can't you say anything else?
It's the only battle cry I have.
That's sad. Why all the Uzuki hate?
He stole my blankey and never gave it back.
You know, as pathetic as that sounds, I wouldn't put it past the Xenosaga writers.
I made it my mission to hunt him down and steal his blankey! When I find him, I will STEAL IT LIKE A NINJA THIEF!
Great, now he's started on one of those long and boring Xenosaga expositions.
I think we're nearly done anyway. Anyone else, chief?
Just this mute lady.
I will not stand down while that foolish swordsman steals the blankeys of children everywhere! My mission...
Someone shut him up!
What a fitting only word to know.
What a nice wrap-up to the start of a new season. On that note, enjoy the week kids! And remember: Now that Paris Hilton is back in jail, the streets are safe again. There is some justice in this world.
Please, you're just saying that because she's prettier than you and you're happy to see it not get her anywhere.
And the problem with that is?
----------Meanwhile, at the Women's Restroom----------
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and spying on the unaware. Doo-dee-doo-dee-doo! I wonder what's in this stall...
...ewwwwww...I'll just step out...
You! I have finally found you! How dare you leave your socks in my underwear drawer! Do you know how hard it is to clean chainmail panties!?
No, because I don't do laundry. That's your job, Valkyrie.
...oh poo...