Ah, signors! Season 32 is over, and now is the week where things wind down and the champions celebrate their hard-earned wins. Truly they have the most PASSION, ay? I know you very much want to see who won, so without further ado, here is the Results Page.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click
This Link
to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

The traditional team match proves to be an interesting one. Not only is Team Myria all female, they also have a fascinating mix of duellers. Myria has her boss durability and PC-killing skills, while Emily has her martial arts, Marisa has her swift swordplay, and Virgina rounds things off with her proficency in firearms. Combined they are a formidable force indeed...but Team Chaos may well be their undoing!

Chaos brings to the table his usual repetoire of powerful magic backed up by his physical, Malik will shut down the more physical of Team Myria's duellists, Beserk will have his overwhelming damage, and Shante brings everything together with her varied and useful skillset. Whoever wins, this match will certaintly do the champions and the runner ups justice, ay?

And on that note, hurry to the Monstrous Pit and vote on the above, plus the usual Upgrade/Downgrade Pools and Bonus Match.

The Not Ranked Monstrous Pit is always available for voting as well. Perhaps this is the week one of your favorite games not already ranked gets to shine?

And of course, the Season 32, Week 6 topic is around if feel like participating, signors.

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

Farewell until next week, signors! Season 33 will then be upon us, and I'm sure that you can't wait! Until then, see what's going on in the often violent and humorous world of Behind The Scenes!
Welcome to Behind the Scenes, pay attention because there will be a test later on. I'm Gilgamesh, along with the usual gang of crazies. And now, the star of our show, Chisato Madison!
Greetings. Well, it's the end of another season. We have our first four-time champion, but that's not to say that the other finalists aren't notable. So let's get started. Our first guests... wait a minute, this can't be right.
Believe it.
But... but... she's from <>Arc the Lad<>!
I know. I'm a little scared.
Fine. Our first guests are Light ch-champion Shante, and runner-up Virginia.
Hooray for me!
Yes, hooray for her!
Aw, they're so perky. Kill 'em.
Hey, be nice to her. She's going through a rough time.
I am?
Of course. You know, the whole retiring of cast and stuff.
And what does that have to do with me? I wasn't retired.
But don't you care about most of...
*sigh* It's unfortunate, yes. But just because we have a minor connection doesn't mean I have to care that much. I mean, you don't even like everyone from your own cast.
Yes, but I don't like anyone. What's your point?
I'm saying that I would like MY interview to perhaps deal with ME, as opposed to other people.
Well, I'd love to...
...but I'm afraid our allotted time for Light is up.
But what about me?
Oh, go fly off!
On to Middle, with runner-up Marisa and champion Belselk.
Continuing on our trend of "let's not talk about the duellers themselves", Marisa, I have a question for you. In recent memory the Fire Emblem invasion has slowed to a crawl. Why?
It's a matter of perspective. When everyone got here, they all wanted to fight. It was expected. But a lot of us got that out of our system. Sure, everyone wants to get in eventually, but it's not as urgent.
So, no more invasion?
I didn't say that...
Yes, oh wicked one?
An impressive run for you this season, with a good chance at making it up to Heavy. How will you celebrate?
By feasting on the flesh of my adversaries!
Well, that's not quite my bag, demon, but whatever suits your needs.
I have proven demon superiority over pathetic humans. I should rejoice in a suitable manner.
I would like to note, and I'm very ashamed to admit that it's not for the first time, that Behind the Scenes and their staff do not advocate or condone cannibalism.
If he's not human, it's not exactly cannibalism, is it?
Technically, no.
Well then, this is a kind of discrimination, isn't it? I mean, Nate wouldn't take a stand against sushi.
When you own the sets, when you own the company, then you can make the rules.
On to Heavy, with champion Malik and runner-up Emily.
Damn it!
Oh, will you give it up already!
What's going on?
She just won't stop trying to hit me!
You're standing right there? Why won't my punches connect?
Because he has some stupid technical thingamajig that won't let you hit him! Come on, I enjoy suffering, but this is just stupid!
There's no such thing as perfect evasion! Graah!
Why don't you just knock her out and be done with it, Malik?
Because that would be impolite?
Impolite? What the hell kind of Wild Arms villain are you?
The kind that will likely advance to Godlike? The kind that is civilized?
Yeah! Behind the Scenes is no place for moral superiority!
You can't hit me either, skull.
See, that's where you're wrong, Momma's boy. Because I have one thing that Emily will never have.
A zombie fetish?
A complete lack of morals, decency, and honor?
Close. Actually, it's a big shiny red button to launch you out of the studio.
I'm not even going to bother with that. Godlike?
Oh, don't be like that. I won fair and square.
Cold comfort.
So you don't want to be my friend?
No! Do you realize what you've done? With a fourth title, you've cause severe strain to the fragile balance of the Godlike power structure! You could bring about the destruction of all creation!
And the problem with that would be?
It's my job! There's only one thing to do! I have to travel through time and...
Oh gasp. What a shocking turn of events. I am on the edge of my seat.
And at this point I have to make the obligatory comment that you can't sit.
You fool, if you enter the time loop again, horrible things will happen!
Name one.
Hey, guess what! I won a match in Heavy!
No... it cannot be!
Most distasteful.
Hey, wait... if you're here, then doesn't that mean that we already went through with it?
Um... well... heylookoverthereit'sadistractionthattotallymakesyouforgetabouttheplotholebye!
Ugh. Let's just get out of here. I hate time travel plots.
Fine. See you next week for Season 33. Till then, farewell, and don't stick your fingers into electrical sockets.
Unless you get it on tape, of course.