The finals again, ay, signor? That is how it always is! Time goes on and on and we end up at the same point again! But we can't simply dilly dally around here oogling at all of the things going on. Check out the Results of last week and see who's fighting this week!

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

So, does this seem familiar, signors? Ryu facing Myria? It is an interesting match, I must say... the two have perhaps never faced each other in actuality, but... It is a match that has a lot of spirit. Dragon vs. God... a matchup of the century!?

A sword versus a tentacle. It doesn't seem like much, but it is the final match of Heavy. Arngrim versus Ultros. Can the swordsman survive Ultros' onslaught? Can Ultros survive the powerful Final Blast attack? This is truly a fight to behold!

Popoi will face off against Eiko this week, as well. Many people said Popoi's match against Arnaud should have been in the finals, but perhaps this match will suit your fancy as well? Both of them have the passion to be promoted to Heavy, but I wonder if they actually can! It will be a true match of magical might!

Finally, we have Karyl versus Porom! These two have fought against all odds in order to get to where they are now... so now, the two must prove that they are able to win! Karyl must prove music can not only soothe, but also destroy a savage beast and Porom will prove what White Magic isn't all for show!

Now it is time to slam, head first into the Monstrous Pit and see the final battle of this season! The winner is still undecided! Who will it be!

Do not forget, signors, it is important to head to the Not Ranked Monstrous Pit at times. One must always be the willing participater of the fun matches, ay?

Make sure you head over to the forums to see some of the topics! The Forums Newcomes are invited to join and take part whenever they'd like.

So you may have much to say about this matches, so I hope you can go to the The Season 31 Week 5 Topic and talk about it!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

With that, signors, my time has come to a close. I will return on the next week to discuss the final team matches of this season... I look forward to you returning and showing your passion and gusto yet again!
Trust me, this plan cannot fail!
...Behind. the. Scenes.
..Okay, but at least we won't get hurt doing this.
Including me?
...Behind. the. Scenes.
I hate me.
So..what is all this?
Just a little experiment I did. Me and Lexis got together and after some testing, gathering data, making macaroni art, beating the crap out of Odin, more testing, 2 snack breaks, gathering money by robbing small children, and then beating up Odin again, we created a machine which should predict the Godlike, Heavy, Middle, and Light champions for Season 32!
Why would you want to know that?
The prestige of being able to predict winners with 100% accuracy, of course. That, and offshore betting.
I smell money!
Well, of all the get rich quick schemes I ever heard, this is by far the nerdieset and most likely to result in blunt force trauma.
Oh, scoff all you like, but once this makes me a gillionaire you'll allllllllll be begging to use it.
Uh-huh. So what's it predict?
Well, let's see...The Season 32 Godlike champion will be....wait...
$$$...huh? Oh, right. "..."
HAH! That machine fails more than I do!
It's just a fluke! Okay, Heavy Champ will be... President William Henry Harrison? Okay, WHO'S BEEN MEDDLING WITH MY MACHINE!?
That's so screwed up. Harrison's definitely a Light. Did you see that durability? Dude could barely even last a Month.
He had a great slogan, though.
Keep your plot power out of this! Now, Theodore Roosevelt, there's a good President. His Rough-Riding skills would make all of Godlike tremble!
Settle down, children. There's no need for all this fighting, as George Washington is clearly the best.
He'll kick you apart!
Quite. Chisato, are you ready?
Yeah. Ultros, quit crying over your machine and get the cameras out.
I promise that you can hunt down Lexis and kill him after this is over. Gilgamesh?
That Ultros..I'll show him once I get my stat topic up....
Ahem...Hello once again, dear readers, as we give you your weekly quota of interviews, mockery, and Odin beatings at Behind the Scenes! It's Finals week, and there are 8 duellers left. Who will come out on top? Nobody! This is Behind the Scenes, after all! First up, our Godlike Finalists, who have met each other before! Here with us now is Myria and Ryu3!
You again? Where's your furry little friends?
You sound awfully confident.
Why wouldn't I be? This brat could barely take me on with all his buddies, how could he win on his own?
No big ideas?
Aww, lookit the little guy. Don't feel so bad. Huuuugs!
Somebody's had a little too much Christmas cheer.
Spirit of the season. Also in her girl form she weighs about 30 pounds.
Who knew Godlikes could be such lightweights? So, for Heavy, we have...
But more importantly, me!
You never change, do you?
You know, Freya isn't around to protect you now, Moppy.
Have I neglected to mention how great I think you are? Have a raise! And a Promotion!
Good. For that, you only get cut a little.
...Anyway, Ultros. Going to be the next BtS crew member to get a championship?
You better believe it! Me and Chupon have been duelling all the time in preperation. I actually got Sneezed all the way across the world. That really toughens you up!
Well, it's better than Morte's training, which basically consisted of getting drunk and hitting on anything that moved.
Hey, one girl hit me all the way across the Hive! That really toughens you up!
Consider this a free training routine, then.
Wow. Niiiiice kick, lady.
Nobody asked you!
Pipe down, pipsqueak. Grownups are talking.
You're younger than I am!
Keep telling yourself that, Kiddo. I hope you're ready to go back to the playground with all the other kids. I'm way more than you can handle.
Ugh. Stupid brats. TONY!
Excellent work. Have a bonus.
Always a pleasure.
Are you guys done yet? Odin is needed back h-....Odin? Where did you get all those bruises from?
I fell down the stairs.
He fell down the stairs.
Arngrim, you know what this means...
No...not that...anything but that...
Enough with the death wails. Lights?
...Stay away, Tony. I'll be good.
My music cannot be stopped!
So, Opera didn't make it to the Finals. At least I don't have to listen to her brag anymore.
And once I defeat this little girl, I will be the MOST POWERFUL BARD IN MUSIC HISTORY!
Well, beating up Edward sure helps my fighting spirit.
So, you beat on a Bard to kill a Bard? That's a good strategy.
...Edward's a Bard? What the hell are you talking about?
Language, missy.
I hope a championship will shut my brother up. He's almost as bad as that Sprite.
Now, we will go shopping for presents! HAHAHAHAH!
That's what you get. Snotnosed little punks!
That was the best decision I ever made.
Better than the decision to buy that helmet?
Okay, second best.
What about the idea to beat the crap out of Guido?
Do I pay you guys to point out inaccuracies? No? Then why are you doing it?
Come on, hurry up and end this, I gotta get to Lexis before he escapes to his fortress.
You heard the slimeball.
Didn't you get knocked into orbit?
Behold, the power of RPG physics!
All right, all right. Well, readers, that's all today for Behind the Scenes! Make sure and come on back next week for the champs and the losers!