I return once again, minions. Morrie's off to go scout new monsters, which means I get to run the show this weekend. It'll be a wild ride, with the second half of Season 31 debuting for your viewing (dis) pleasure. It'll be a horrific series of bloody battles, with new champions being made from the ashes of the victims who have the misfortune to fight them.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! The moderators can handle any problems.**

Godlike is going full throttle this season, Myria returns to combat, with the chance to rematch against her old rival Ryu. To get that far, she has to muscle past one of the few bosses who can match her in toughness. The Profound Darkness isn't just going to lie down and be Myria's latest victim. After her incredibly close loss to Luca Blight, this personfication of darkness has much to prove. It's a match that will send even my own black heart racing! Of course, with Yuna lurking around, it's obvious to you peons that it won't be smooth sailing for anyone in Godlike this season.

My tentacled underling seeks to make a splash in his return to action. Battling a stiff, noble Divine Knight of the female persuasion's just the thing to get his juices flowing. He better not play around -too- much though, or Meliadoul's going to turn him into a seafood platter. Aaah, a Tyrant in heavy. Is there nothing better? Other than a Super Tyrant, of course. Laharl returns to combat after an extended break. Demonic swords meet the multi bottled rocket assault of Jeff. It's a clash in style, and one that should be as bloody as any swords vs technology clash. Aah, but I ramble too much on Heavy. Next!

Yangus is truly a man after my own heart. A scythe wielding badass who looks out for himself and is truly without par in combat. He faces down a whip wielding wench. Heh heh heh, my wit's truly fine tonight. Lorelai may have a pretty face, but she'll zap your face off if you give her any guff. Viper's the serious sort. Not too fun to have around for a party, sort of like Ulster. He's one of the best in Middle at fighting, despite his record. His foe's a little girl with a powerful magic punch. Can the might of Flagbearer hold up against Black Fang's youngest member? Nino may not look like much, but she's as deadly as they come at slinging spells.

I have no words for light this week. We have a pair of musical brawls this week. Edward and Karyl are both puny bard princes with blonde hair. They also can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, which will make their upcoming slapfight all the more amusing. Keep an eye on that one. While neither can do any damage, they both can heal and annoy each other. Expect it to end when one trips over a random pebble. As for Millie.. well, when you're from Suikoden 2 and your claim to fame is a pet demonic gopher, you might as well go into rap. Still, Seifer? Just pack it in, wench. Duessel may be suck in the form of a rugged general, but he should be able to dispatch such fail. I hope.

Check all this carnage out and more in the Arena Page. Truly it should be worth watching, which I certainly can't say every week.

Time for the most important part of the show. Head over to Not Ranked. As always, it's a wonderful mess of those trying to prove themselves, and those who were bitterly rejected from the Duelling League proper. Aah, nothing more entertaining than Not Ranked light fields.. but I disgress.

As always, we have plenty of action at the The Forums All minions and underlings are welcome.

Got something to say? Feel free to direct your babblings and rants here, to The Season 31 Week 2 Topic. Join in the chaos!

**Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

It's been fun, but I have much to do and not a lot of time to do it in. This is Dryst, lord and master, signing off. Here's Chisato with the latest round of pain and suffering at Behind the Scenes.
We about done, here?
You can't rush this. This is a truly epic battle of skill, wit, and strategy.
2..3...4..5...NO! BACK TO THE BEGINNING! Curse you, Chutes and Ladders!
Quit the whining, newbie! Now, let's see...a 4! YES! I WIN!
Oh, damn.
Okay, you know the agreement. Odin is now given the title of "Emperor of the Universe" and Gilgamesh shall henceforth be known as..."Stupid McSmellyface"
...This is what you guys do before the show? And I thought things were pathetic before.
Well, they used to play Monopoly, but Nate won every single time.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
I just hate that they won't let me play.
You don't have any hands, and nobody wants skeleton spit all over the die.
As opposed to all the slime from Ultros's tentacles. Riiight.
I'm very clean, thank you very much. Especially compared to you after those long nights in the Hive, where we found you stuck in a drain next to 5 hobos.
There's a very reasonable explanation that clears me of any lawbreaking or scandalous behavior, but instead I'm just going to bite you.
OW! OWWW! My tentacles bruise easily.
Okay, no more abusing the camera man until the show starts.
Then let's hurry it up, then.
Put the game away, guys. Make sure you've been training hard for the Candyland tournament next week, though. The blood will flow like delicious chocolate.
All ready on my end.
Welcome back to Week 2 of Season 31! I'm your host, Chisato Madison, and me and my lackeys are all ready to give you another glimpse at the glamor, rivalry, and massive bloodshed of the DL in Behind the Scenes! In Godlike this week, we have an interesting match where two duelists are fighting each other and are in the same game. Here now is Lenneth Valkyrie and Freya!
Hello, Chisato, Odin.
Same old, same old. Crazy god trying to destroy the Aesir, Hamster rebellion, Lucian getting an inferiority complex because I'm so much stronger than him. It's been tame, really. So, I just heard you were named Emperor of the Universe?
It was a long and tough battle, but fortune smiled and the Chutes of Judgement sent my foe to where he belonged, as I climbed the Ladder of The Just.
Freya, you haven't said much. Do you think you have what it takes to fight your friend in the arena?
What's wrong, Freya?
Do you wish to know the status of your Einherjar?
...oh no...
Do you wish to know the status of your Einherjar? Do you wish to know the status of your Einherjar? Do you wish to know the status of your Einherjar?
Make it stop!
Do you w-*WHUMP*
My ears are bleeding and there's goddess blood all over my carpeting. This is not very ideal.
What's worse, Odin actuallly managed to kill something.
I'm scared.
The way I look at it, things will balance and Odin will fail so miserably that everything will be all right again.
AAAAAAH! This isn't a bottle of milk, IT'S A PIT FULL OF ANGRY VIPERS!
Thank you, Viper Pits Inc.
Okay, Freya has been put back into the waiting room. Who knows when she'll wake up, though.
Heavies? It'd be best to get out of here before she regains consciousness.
This is far too troublesome. I always said that angels were no good.
According to my calculations, we might have enough time to get out of here.
Well, Laharl, it's been awhile. Planning on making a splash with your return to the DL?
I'll say! Once I kill this pasty-faced wimp over here, nobody will dare ignore Overlord Laharl!
Nothing to say, four-eyes?
No, I'm just calculating how big of a hole my Multi-Bottle Rocket's going to leave in your face. Also, judging from the commotion in the back room, Freya's regained consciousness. Didn't you have trouble with women of her...stature?
Lenneth, about your performance...
....Looks like she grabbed Laharl and left. Quick, grab some Middles.
Oi, wot's all this going on in 'ere? Blimey, there's a regular free-for all back in the waiting room 'cuz of that goddess.
She's been driving people outside crazy. All the newcomers from Suikoden 5 are going nuts right now.
Well, this is as good a welcome to the DL as could be imagined. So, Lorelai, think your new battle form's enough to take down Yangus?
Oh, easily. There's no way that brute can withstand my whip.
I dunno about that, bird. Back wit' the Guv I knew a girl who used whips pretty much all the time. It's nothin' special.
Shouldn't you be off sweeping a chimney somewhere?
Shouldn't you be off hanging around some ruins and whining to some poindexter with a staff?
And while Morte flees in mortal terror, let's welcome the couple of Lights that managed to avoid Freya's onslaught!
Thank you, Hide!
It's the Bard's best friend besides a shiny harp that can damage enemies with music somehow.
...Oh boy. Okay, explain why you're going to win.
Phat tunes, yo.
Fo 'shizzle.
Ugh, what's with all this failure today?
Did somebody say FAILURE?
Note to self: reinforce the door to the cream pit.
Okay, what are you doing here now?
Well, I've been thinking and thinking, and so has Fairie, and together we've come up with the ultimate plan to beat Koren and that weakling Zophar! Clearly what I needed was to fight fire, with fire, in other words, a magic user! So I went around asking for help in my epic quest, and this nice lady volunteered immediately!
Of course! I'd do anything for my one true love, Duran!
Are..you..feeling alright?
Sure! Well when Freya came around asking me to send up a warrior that could swim over and over I felt kinda dizzy and ended up fainting, but then when I woke up Duran asked me to help him with his noble quest and I knew we were meant to be!
All right, Celes! Let's go show those fools who they're messing with!
Hooray! Hugs for everyone!
No...just.....no. I'd cry...if I had tear ducts. Or if my eyes were attached to anything in my head.
See what happens when Odin succeeds at something? I guess the viper pit wasn't enough.
HAH! I have managed, during the time when you weaklings were blathering on, to defeat the mightest of randoms: A Rabite!
Well, I guess that's not so bad.
Ugh, I can't take it anymore. We'll see you later on Behind the Scenes, hopefully with Odin in horrible pain.
I can't believe I have to pay to get all this cleaned up...again...