Ah! So glad to see you here in time for Week 3 of Season 28, my friends! We have plenty of new stuff for you to enjoy, but first you can see who won and who lost at the Results page.

This week I would like to direct your attention to an important upcoming event in the DL. The ranking freeze is almost over, and we would be overjoyed to have your opinion on what you think should get in! The Topic will be open on 12:01 Monday morning. I suggest you remember it or at least write it down, as this will be a very important occurance!

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Godlike's going to be a furious race to claim victory! Elc, fresh off a magnificent Heavy Run, is going up against the always crazy Kefka, who has also had much success in Godlike! But can he withstand Invincible? On the other hand, can Elc handle Havoc Wings?

Well, my friends, I am sorry to say that I was bested by Id. While I refuse to be a sore loser, do you not agree that I make a more dashing figure in defeat? Well, anyway, now he faces off against the roving reporter Maya Amano in this week's Heavy, and I wish him the best of luck. And if everything I hear about Ms. Amano is true, he may just need it!

Everybody's favorite trash-talking pilot faces off against a noble Einherjar in this week's Middle. Cid's Limits can take him far, but Lucian gets plenty of mileage out of his own various tricks. Who will best the other?

And in Light, my friends, we have the infamous magician Rafa in a duel with a noted Fire Rune user Hervey, fresh off a victory over vegetation. Hervey may not be well-renowned, but Rafa's fighting is all about luck, and he did manage to draw Neo-Fio!

Whenever you feel you are ready, please head to The Arena to give your vote.

Don't forge to stop by Not Ranked and do the same!

In addition, why not take a glance at The Forums? I'm sure we'd love to hear your input.

Not sure about a match and want to see what other people are saying? Then by all means read up on who can do what in the Season 28, Week 3 thread.

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

As always, it is a pleasure to host for you, my friends. Sadly our dear BtS crew is in a bit of a jam after they tried going through customs with all of Gilgamehs's weapons, and as such their delightful interviews and mocking will be a bit late. Make sure to check back later!
Oooohhhh I'm excited!
Careful not to wet yourself there, sport.
Yeah, especially since you'll be the one having to clean it up.
It's just all so thrilling! It's ranking season! You know what that means?
It's time to boot that little artist from the DL once and for all?
J. K. Rowling tortures little kids with glimpses of the next Harry Potter book?
Atlus releases more than five copies of a game?
Good guesses, but no! This time of the year is the best, as it means that we might finally rank someone who might actually pose a challenge to my supreme Godlike reign!
Well, unless we're ranking Jogurt's two week old kids, I doubt you'll find anyone who fits that description.
Ah, so good to be back.
Speaking of which, where were you last week, Morte? I can't say we missed you, but it was odd not to have the stench of formaldehyde in the studio for once.
I personally found it a breath of fresh air!
That was one of the worst jokes I've heard on this show since I started doing this. You're only allowed five more words tonight, Ultros. Make them count.
Welcome to Behind the Scenes, the show where not even a whole rabbit will keep you safe! I'm Odin, perpetual whipping boy, and with me is the usual cast of nutsos. So without further ado, I present to you...Season Twenty-Eight, Week Three!
And as everyone here so often forgets, I'm Chisato Madison, host, lord and dictator. Our first set of victims this week come to us from Light.
Ah yes, the adorable little pink puff Chu-Chu and Rafa the Wondertwin.
I wan-chu be a wondertwin chu!
I'm sorry, but you need the ring for that.
Yeah. Here, I'll show you. Malak!
Ready, sis!
Form of: trash!
Awesome! Can you do any other transformations?
Sadly, this is it.
Yeah. We can't do any better than trash.
Who would have guessed?
Beautiful. Well, what amazing display awaits us next, Gilgamesh?
Up next is Flea and Albert Serdio. God have mercy on our souls.
Sure thing.
Well, well! Lady Chisato, your fashion sense is, as always, so...peculiar.
I think Le Emperor is dumbfounded.
Wouldn't you be too if you saw a man in a thong?
Oh there you are! I have been looking all over for you! Come here precious!
Huh. You know, you think he'd be used to that type of stuff, considering the game he hails from.
Poor calamari. Why don't you go get a doctor for the poor king? If he dies without an heir, I shudder to think what will become of that country. Next round of victims includes...Quina Quen and Id? What a wonderful mix of personality and style. Really. My teeth are chattering with delight.
Watch what you say, fool. You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
That's the cue! Bust him!
What is this?
Enough talk! Copyright Infringement is a major crime!
We'll hear your excuses at the station.
I can't believe this.
Time for me!?
Go eat something.
You know, that can't possibly be good for her mental or physical health. Really, eating whenever you're depressed brings about more problems than you think it would solve. Really, we're perpetuating her horrible habit.
Your point?
Just thought I'd make use of that psychology book I bought last week. It's got pretty pictures too!
How...expected. This type of idiocy just doesn't surprise me anymore. You guys need to try harder. One more shot for tonight: Fou-Lu and Rika!
Catgirl and Dragon God.
Hi! ^_^_^_^_^_^.
Wouldst thou teach me how to make such beautiful smilies?
Sure! It's easy! Just like this! ^_^_^_^!!!!!
Like this? --^^.
No, like this! ^_^_^_^_^!!!
^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ _^_^_^_^_^_^_^!!!!!!
^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ _^_^_^_^_^_^!!!!
Arghmybrainisgoingintomyfeetohdeargodthisismadnesshelpmemypooroctopusselfdeargodinthenamethatisall- sacredandholywhyohwhymewhymewhymewhymegetmeoutofhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zero. Now, on that note: RUN!
Right behind you!
From Behind the Scenes, this is Gilgamesh saying good night! Tune in for next week's episode, "Fou-Lu: From Terrifying Dragon God to Adorable Little Girl". If you can stand the insanity, that is.