Yet another season is drawing to a close, my friends! With it, we have new finals for you all to see! But before you get into that, make sure you check out the Results of last week and see how it all ended!

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Sephiroth and Yuna have both won Godlike championships before, so they both know what it takes to be a true winner. Sephiroth has his magical and physical prowess to rely on, as well as his defensive Wall technique. Yuna will summon Aeon after Aeon, utilizing each one to hopefully chip away at Sephiroth until he finally succumbs. These two massive titans will have to put everything on the line to win at this stage.

Wakka has put in many hours training for this! He has defeated opponent after opponent in the arena and now stands on the verge of winning entirely! Artea, however, is not to be trifled with. With powerful magic and his IPs at his disposal, even Wakka's Triple Foul may have some trouble. Artea must simply hit Wakka hard and fast with a Zap or two and he'll have this in the bag. Can Wakka smash Artea before he gets his chance?

Maria has proved herself worthy of her status by completely destroying anyone who stands in her way. Now, all that stands between her and her championship is a frail old man. Strago stands no match for the might of Maria's moves, a simply Energy Burst and that will be enough! Strago, however, has not come this far just to lose right off the bat. He has several tricks up his sleeve, the least of them being his infamous Bad Breath! Let's see how Maria likes -that-!

Chisato's reporter training has taught her many things. The most valuable of which is how to exploit the weaknesses of your opponents. She's put this to deadly use so far and now stands at the very top. Well, almost. She has one more fight before she can be called a champion. Forde has put his entire life on the line, battle after battle. He has used all of his knightly training to fell opponent after opponent. Now, all he must do is knock this foolish reporter out? Ha! To him, it's almost too easy. But which one of these devastating fighters (?) will come out on top?

The Arena is open and the finals are up! Go, go go, my friends!

People are always welcome at The Forums so please head on over! Newcomes are invited to join and take part whenever they'd like.

Also, the finals have heralded something new as well. The Season 25 Finals Topic is up, so go ahead and talk about it at the forums!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

As always, it is an honor and a privledge to be part of this, my friends. I hope that you all will come again next week. Due to the partying by Miss Chisato and her friends, Behind the Scenes will be a little late. Stay tuned and check in soon to see the adventures of Miss Madison!