A resounding "welcome back" to everyone! Thank you for coming back yet again. A merry St. Patricks day to you as well! Though there isn't much green around here, I hope you'll all stay anyway! The Results of last week are now live, so please check them out.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Godlikes Rolf and Celes have very little in common, but that won't stop them from fighting each other this week! The former Empire General will put to use all of her techniques to stop Rolf! Berserk and Vanish, one of her favorite combinations... will it destroy Rolf as well? Rolf has the very powerful Megid spell waiting for Celes, perhaps that will turn the tide of this battle? We shall see!

In the battlefield of Heavy, things remain heated. Wakka and Asellus are definately going to have to fight with everything they've got. Wakka has his trusty Evade & Counter weapon, as well as his potent status attacks. However, will they be enough to stop Asellus' powerful Mystic attacks? Asellus may simply be able to stop Wakka before he can even try anything. Only time will tell.

Jessica has been out of Middle for quite some time. In that time, she's been preparing for just this sort of moment. There is no way she'll be beaten by someone like Midboss! The Dark Adonis Vyers has just a bit to say about this! No healer will be able to stop his beautiful might, he will trounce her and no amount of whining will stop him!

Finally, in Light, Mysidia's genius Palom has what seems to be an easy battle, to him. Against Louise, he will be able to easily devastate her with spell after spell before she can do anything. Louise, however, is not simply going to stand there and take this punishment. A few well-aimed shots of her bow and that will put Palom out for the night. These two potent (?) fighters will definately do their best.

There are a few other matches to look at, so hurry over to theThe Arena and cast your vote!

People are always welcome at The Forums so make sure you check them out once, before or after you vote!

Also remember that this week's forum post is up! The Season 25 Week 3 Topic will await you all week, so don't miss it!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

I hope you all come back next week to see me. I will always be here awaiting you, my friends. For the time being, check out Behind the Scenes! It's quite busy this season since Chisato got in!
This is unreal!
Yes! Yet another week without that vile wench!
Another week filled with drama!
Useless pretense!
Random violence!
And more drama than a soap opera!
Wait, more than Passions? I don’t know, that’s asking an awful lot. The show does a really good job of…
Why do you always have to ruin our dramatic introductory speeches?
The mop compels me. It tells me things that I must obey. Or else… …the women’s bathroom…needs cleaned…
As you command!
Such a one-track mind.
Speaking of which, welcome to Behind the Scenes, the only PG-13 rated show we’d prefer your parents didn’t watch with you! Welcome to yet another week without Chisato!
Which generally means the show has more direction.
But how much direction can insulting guests have?
Let’s find out! Step on up, Indalecio and Sephiroth!
I swear, these introductions get less and less flattering every episode.
Yes. I swear, the Megalomaniac Society will hear about this. Such fearless final bosses, not receiving their due…it’s despicable.
Your due? You both are complete weaklings to fight. You, bishie, die to spammed Knights of the Round. And you, Indalecio, get completely obliterated by a bunch of children.
And a martial arts pharmacist.
Yes, but that still doesn’t make it any better. You two are both Godlikes: don’t you have any good points? Like, how did people rank you in Godlike? You both were horribly unimpressive in general.
I am a master of heraldry! My magic decimates even the strongest…
Yet you still died to a bunch of kids. Also, despite all the scientific and magical knowledge of the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, you still can’t comb your hair to one side. Sephiroth?
I mentally tortured Cloud for…
Everyone mentally tortures Cloud at some point. It’s like a rite of passage. Can’t either of you do anything worthy of the “Final Boss” distinction?
Maybe the Middle guests will be better. Let’s give it up for Graham Cray and Midboss!
Uh…I can tango…
As I figured. Middle!
That’s all I get?! This is an outrage! Once more, moi, the Dark Adonis, is deprived of his rightful time in the spotlight!
Yes. Even Albedo got good coverage on his appearances…
My eye sockets! Argh! The burning pain!
What’s going on?
Morte, what are you…Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!
It’s hideous! Argh! The…the…abomination!
What are you babbling abouuuuuuuttttttt!!!!
Thank you, lord! The clothing…so hideous.
It’s like a blind, paraplegic turkey designed her outfit. So horrible.
Yes, So, Midboss, how does it feel to actually win a match?
It is glorious! For season I have trained, this time with one-thousand ton boxers, for this very moment! The moment when I, the Dark Adonis, finally receive what’s coming to mmmmeeeeeee!!!
Well, he was spot on there. Next?
I have returned! Stronger than before!
Good. Get the next guests.
Come on Heavy! Lundgren and Mario, I choose you!
What was that thing? It made my armour turn colours! Peasant! Clean this mess up now!
I think he’s off in his own little world right now. Don’t think you’re going to get through to him.
When a man, loves his mop! There’s nothing more profound!
His parents must have been circus freaks, and dropped him on his head too much.
What? You have something to say?
Wonderful, a lesson in charades.
I’m not good at this! What’s that? He ate a bad taco?
Moron! Italians don’t eat tacos!
This is below me.
But not below us! Come on out and let’s finish off Light while we’re at it!
I feel a bit weird coming onto a show run by my opponent this week.
Shouldn’t be: Chisato hates everyone equally.
Including us, her faithful employees.
To be fair, we aren’t that faithful: we did kind of send her a fake awards ceremony letter…in Algol.
Well, at the least, by the time she’s ready to kill us, we’ll be long gone.
Indeed. Maybe we should get a head start.
I like that idea. Well, that’s it from…
What about me? I have a brand new, non-Puny form for interview!
Wait, how did you get here? We never invited you.
Oh, this nice red-headed lady gave me a lift…
Oh boy.
This could hurt.
I need my blankey.
Oh slaves!
This won’t be pretty.
Which one of you thought it would be a good idea to send me to the Algol Star System for a phony awards ceremony?
Jar Jar Binks.
Johnny Cash.
…Why don’t I just punish all of you at once?
Because it’s…uh….not fun for us?
It’s in your contracts.
I need my lawyer to re-evaluate my contract again.
Before I start the hurting, say goodbye to our guests.
From the wonderful folks here at Behind the Scenes, another week is over, but the fun – and pain – has just begun! Tune in next week for even more exciting adventures!
Wonderful. Now, stand right there…good…a little closer…