Ah, bonjour! It is good to see you all again, my friends. I hope you have experienced good things since we last met? I bid you all welcome to the second week of Season 23 here at our Duelling League. It was a most wonderful week this past, so please go look at the Results and be awed into submission.

A Godlike match that is sure to astound and amaze everyone lies before your feet. Lulu has recently moved into the Godlike domain, and who should be her first opponent!? That honor goes to the Demon King Zeon! Infamous for being an immobile floating head of destruction, Zeon aims to show Lulu that she isn't toying with little children anymore. Lulu, on the other hand, will be more than happy to put a little Flare in Zeon's style.

Rudy. Precis. Two names that strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. Wait, what? No they don't! Rudy is a silent man with an ARM, and Precis is a loud girl with... well, something that might as well be an ARM. But these two fighters have no similarities past that and are sure to teach each other just why they reside in the domain of Heavy. This is sure to be a flashy and superb battle, my friends!

Spiralling further and further into madness, Middle and Light's respective battles are quite entertaining themselves. Flare, the Light champion from last season rises to face the swordsman Gen! These two fighters are sure to lay into each other before giving up! Over in Light, the awesome power of Shady Thousand is about to be unleashed! No one, not even a Man with a Machine Gun has any chance to stop the overwhelmingly god-like force that Shady can produce!

But why should you take my word for it? Move your little feet on over to
The Arena and cast your vote today!

The Forums are always bustling with activity, and I'm sure new faces and opinions would be gladly heard there. Please, if you have some extra time, go and take a look! No one's going to bite your head off! ...I think! If you'd like to discuss this or last week, please feel free to make a post in The Season 23 Week 2 Topic and discuss!

Have you all ever considered writing reviews for your favorite games? Perhaps you have something sitting around for a game you think people should play, but never had a good place to put it? Well, now is your chance. We're looking for interested parties for something, so if you have and interest, do feel free to check this out
This Topic !

Last, but certainly not least, Not Ranked is still alight with its matches. Ranging from the awesome to the awesomely ridiculous, these things are always fun to watch. Please head to Not Ranked Arena if you happen to get some extra time.

Oh, I almost forgot. I do believe it's time to be entertained by Ms. Madison and her entourage. Perhaps the duellers from last and this week will have something funny to say. Au revior, my friends, until next week.
Welcome to Behind the Scenes, the only show that uses tinsel as a weapon instead of a decoration. On today's show, we'll talk to people who make our heads hurt, and not just because of their voices. And now, the star of our show, Chisato Madison!
Thank you, Gilgamesh. You all know the rest of the cast, so let's make with the pain so I can get home and drink some eggnog. Our first guests are the malevolent duo whose sole casualty is coherence. Say hello, Liz and Ard!
And try to keep it to ten words or less.
Ard ard!
For the science, I wish in greetings.
All right then. So, how does it feel to be competing in the same season?
Ard ard, ard ard.
For the course, good sir. 'Tis all in fun, after all.
Please tell me that somebody understands this.
Sure. Ard's saying that he'd rather have a chance to watch Liz fight, but that's not as important as the chance to compete again. Liz is drunk.
Well, that explains everything.
I aim to please. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to clean the bleach tanks.
And with that disturbing display of competence, we move on to Middle. Hello, Nash.
Hey, how ya doing?
Well, you seem chipper.
It's been a long wait to get back in. I'm just glad to be fighting again. Mia was beginning to suggest that I get a job!
Well, the world can always use more delivery boys.
Don't even joke about that.
You know you just bring it on yourself.
You don't see us bringing in goose calls, do you?
Way to spoil her present, jerk.
Thank you, Nash. And now, for two more loudmouths, with Ramza Beoulve and Precis Neuman.
I wouldn't say I'm a loudmouth exactly...
Hey! Where do you get off insulting me, Little Miss Hypocritical?!
I'd choose my words very carefully, unless you want them to become your last.
Don't make me laugh! I've seen you fight, and you can't back it up!
My ears, my precious ears!
But you don't have ears.
Then why does it hurt so much!
Come on, let's take this outside! Gilgamesh, you're in charge.
All right. So, Ramza, how have you been?
All right, I guess. Alma's always telling me that I should get out more and do things, but it's hard to overcome sixty-four years of living as a heretic and outlaw.
Well, I can understand th... sixty-four years?!
Yes. You see, Rafa said she just had to have a Chantage, and so we went poaching, and then Agrias complained that I wasn't being fair to all the other women, and then we lost Mustadio for a couple of years - it turned out that he had taken a wrong turn at Lesalia and wound up walking around in circles. Then there was...
I must say, for a man of your age, you look very good.
Thank you. It's all the fresh air and exercise I get.
Well, I can't believe that this week's show is actually getting creepier as we move along, so maybe we should cut it short. Ultros, could you please send in our two Godlike interviewees?
Both of them? Right now? Maybe you should rethink that.
I said now! The sooner we finish this, the better.
All right, but I'd like to state for the record that I vaguely warned you. Come on in.
Oh dear sweet merciful Exdeath, what did you two do to the studio?!
My tentacles are clean of this.
It's your fault for not making this room wall-accessible.
Oh, don't you start, Lavos. You have a smaller form! You could have just brought out the Core!
You know, when Chisato comes back, you're so dead.
Only if I'm still here. They don't call me the world's fastest swordsman for my drawing speed. Now, you finish the broadcast, then join me as I go anywhere that isn't here.
Passing the buck... you've learned well from the boss. Speaking of which... hey, Odin! Cleanup in Studio A!
*sigh* Let's see what they've done to the place now... oh, no.
Hello, worm.
What happened to the studio?! Heads are going to roll for this!
I shall enjoy watching your destruction.
Not this time, pal. I may be maligned, mocked, murderized, and mangled on a weekly basis, but I still have one thing in my favor. I'm mobile.
Try not to bleed too much on the floor... I'll have to clean that up later. Oh, and I guess I should put the cameras away so they don't get gunk in them. Bye!