Welcome back, dear readers! The RPGDL is ready to present to you Week Three of Season Twenty, filled with mystery, intrigue, despair and triumph! Don't delay in your endeavours, dear readers, as a True Defender of Earth must always be ahead of the game!

Begin with The Results, where you'll find answers to all those pressing questions from last week! Did the midget Roger have the last laugh against The Joker? Was Minsc ( and Boo! ) able to prove his worth against Elly? And does the False Goddess Althena still hold onto her Godlike position? Find out these answers, and more, inside, dear readers!

Now, Defenders, head on over to The Arena and prepare yourselves!

What would cause someone to laugh at Light? Perhaps the appearance of one of Batman's greatest enemies will stir up some laughs! Having slayed a midget last week, The Joker must now light up some fire under Gryz's blue hide. Will The Joker finally triumph where he's been foiled in the past?

Giant dragons tend to be pretty strong, with dragon-slayers few and far between. So, what is Dominia, the top Element, supposed to do? With no gear to combat her foe with, she'll have to use all of her top training to slay the monstrous Tiamat. Will she impress Ramsus with such a feat? Only time will tell, dear readers!

Two grand ninja fight it out this week in Heavy, as newcomer Nel, fresh off her first victory, battles hardened veteran Shadow in what will prove to be a tough match! Will the Crimson Blade's masterful dagger strikes prove to be enough to deflect Shadow's deadly shurikens?

The Black Queen Endora is out for a rough match in Godlike, as she faces last season's champion, Kefka. It's speed and magic vs. speed and the powers of the Goddesses. Will Endora be able to bring about a decisive victory for herself, or will Kefka prove to be too much for her?

Make sure to check The RPGDL Forums, and voice your opinions on whatever you might think to. We're always open to opinions from anyone!

Now, take a minute to sit down, and enjoy Chisato Madison and her crew for another exciting episode of Behind the Scenes:
Welcome to Behind the Scenes, loyal sla…uh, readers! Let’s skip the usual bickering and formalities and get right into the show!
You sound a little too happy to be hosting a show. What do you have planned?
Nothing at all. Just the faster we finish this wonderful show, the faster I can get out of here.
I think she’s finally caught on. And with no Morte this week, that shouldn’t be an issue.
Where did he go this week?
Something about talking to his lawyer. Don’t know what that’s about.
So Nate sent us a co-host to help us this week. I don’t know who it is, but I’m sure it’s someone…
Lovely Chisato! It seems we meet again! My stay at the hospital was ssssoooo worth it for this very moment!
Well, there goes the quick finish thing we were hoping for this week.
So…let’s roll, chief?
Chisato’s speechless at the moment, so I’ll take care of this! It says our first guests tonight are both from Middle, and both hail from the same game! Please welcome the beautiful Dominia and the equally stunning Elly!
Let me take the first question. And no interruptions, Zelos. Elly, how do you like your new abode?
Seems like those allergies are under control, there.
Yes, yes. Are you done mocking me?
Almost. Mind telling me how you might win this week, so I can give Robo some pre-match advice?
That’s pretty despicable.
Thank you: I try.
Don’t you have a conscience?
Nope. She’s never had a regret in her life.
Except foregoing that date with me over two weeks ago!
Give it a rest. How long will it take for you to realize that I don’t like you at all?
I’ll never stop, dearest Chisato! Not until you realize that your love for me cannot be silenced
End of the universe?
Sounds about right. Now, let’s bring out some more fun! Kefka and Yuna, come on down!
Kefka? Anything to say?
Now this might be a first. Usually, you won’t shut up. What happened.
Probably that visit from the Symphonia cast last week.
Uwwweeeeeeeee! Mention that hideous word again and you’ll feel the Light of Judgment!
That Colette girl…the things she can do. I’m surprised she’s ranked in Light.
Yet another gross mis-ranking, like myself. So with Kefka not talking, I can move right to Yuna. What’s been going on with you, High Summoner? I thought you were never coming back to the DL after your championship bout seasons ago?
Well…I have…done…a lot…of thinking…and…I think…that…perhaps…I should…return.
Hey, wake up!
Mmmm…Gilgamesh does raise a good point. I think a silent character would work better here than Yuna. So boring. What’s Light got for us?
Nothing interesting.
Just Tai Ho and Gryz.
Did someone call my name?
We did, actually. It’s pretty boring here, so why don’t you give us some fishing pointers?
Fishing pointers? I can do that.
Fishing? What’s so interesting about fishing?
Nothing really.
Sure does beat people trying to flush you, though.
Much as I’d love to keep going on that thought, it’s time to end the show for tonight. Thanks for tuning in everyone, and we look forward to seeing you next week.