The time has come, dear readers! Finals Week, when the true spirit of all Defenders of Earth shines the brightest, is upon us now!

To begin this festive time The Results Page is upated with the latest in DL action. Was Ryu able to conquer the powerful spirit of his other half, or did he succumb to Fou-Lu's awesome might? Was Kanon able to stop the dreaded run of Ursula, servant of Nergal? And does Chisato Madison now represent Behind the Scenes in the finals? Don't let the suspense kill you, dear readers: find out now!

With that taken care of, The Finals, are all that await you, so head on over there next!

Light has a tendancy to be slower and much less life-altering than the higher divisions. But perhaps this time will be different! Ellyham van Houten, one of Light's most well-versed and familiar fighters, is once more at the finals. Now, she must defeat Reis Dular, another veteran Light, for the championship she has been longing for all along. Will she be able to do it, dear readers, or will she once again just miss that crucial moment?

With the threat of Fire Emblem ended, the bounty hunter Kanon now sets sights on her last victim: Odessa Silverberg, resistance leader and war hero. But Odessa isn't likely to go down without a fight: she's a wily and capable girl, and has show previous bounty hunters not to mess with her. Will Kanon be any different?

Final Fantasy is home to many of the DL's most popular fighters, and Heavy is proud to have two of them facing off this week: Jecht, Braska's Final Aeon, and Jenova, Mother of Sephiroth, are facing off this week to determine the fate of the DL's most highly contested division! Though both represent much of the same power, there can be only one, dear readers: who will it be?

And in Godlike, the match everyone knew was coming is finally here. Kefka and Fou-Lu: two of the strongest and most well-respected villains ever to grace the world of RPGs are now facing off for their chance at the championship. Will the clown or the God Emperor be the one in command?

This is the time to make your voice known, dear readers! Don't delay!

The RPGDL Forums, are well alive at the moment, as you'll soon see! Nomination Pools for Season Twenty are up and open, whenever you're ready to submit them, so make one with your favourite fighters and send it in! And the Rankings Topic is also up and running. Make sure to tell us what you think of such greats as Kahn, Minsc, Riki, and many more!

With that out of the way, I now direct your attention to Chisato Madison and her amazingly in-depth commentary on the facts and fiction of this Finals Week, only on Behind the Scenes:
Come on chief! You can’t do a show when you don’t speak out loudly to the audience!
I know, I know…but…come on! Elly? ELLY?! She slept with Fei, for God sakes!
Yeah, at least you have some taste in who you….
Oh, boy, I sense a violent streak…
Actually, all I see is a red streak. Yeesh, Chisato, that was quick and efficient. I’ve never seen someone cut into pieces that fast.
Why didn’t you do that against Elly?
It’s a special violent streak only Odin can bring out in me.
Too bad: it could have won you a season championship.
There are far more important things than that, however.
Like torturing the fighters who did make it to the finals?
Speaking of which: welcome to Behind the Scenes, where even the rich and famous aren’t save from the sharp pen of journalism!
As usual, I’m the lovely, talented, powerful, omniscient, omnipotent, beautiful, amazing Chisato Madison, your host. Without further ado, let’s bring out our Light guest for tonight!
Gee, I wonder who it isn’t…
Come on out Reis!
Hi. Where’s Elly?
Sshhhhh! That’s a forbidden word here!
Reis, Reis, Reis…my best friend. How are you?
Uh….fine, I guess.
Listen, let’s cut this short: here’s a letter I prepared for you. It contains everything you could ever possibly want to know about Elly. All her fears, weird tendancies she has during battle, how many times she goes to the bathroom during the day, what she eats, where she lives…anything you could ever want. Take it, but don’t tell anyone I told you about it.
Uh…boss, isn’t that cheating, or at least rigging the match for a favourite?
Favourite? I hate them both. I’m just less likely to murder Reis in her sleep than Elly at the moment.
That’s fine, fine. You can thank me later. Please head out and get ready for the battle.
Ah, Chisato. You know, sometimes you can be so straightforward it hurts…
Shall we go on to Middle?
Kanon and Odessa? Yeah, you guys are up.
You guys are awfully quiet.
It’s him.
Come on, let me fight for you! We can’t have your lovely faces ruined by all that blood, sweat and tears!
And how exactly do you plan to fight for both of us?
Oh, just leave that to me, my sweet voluptuous hunnies.
Ugh, Zelos. What are you doing here, bothering my guests for?
Well, if it isn’t the lovely Chisato. Fancy seeing you here. I was just telling these gorgeous ladies that…
You’d fight for them so they wouldn’t have to dirty their pretty faces up?
Why yes. And if you’d like, I could also do the same for you.
Get out. Now.
That I cannot do, for you see, it is my duty to protect and cherish members of the opposite sex, and keep them from doing anything that does not befit…
Hey…hey! No rough-housing so soon! Hold on! Wait!
She’s in a violent mood today.
Zelos seems to inspire the same burning desire to destroy in Chisato that Odin does.
So…how are you two, Odessa and Kanon?
Better, now. Nothing really of note has happened to me recently, just the usual.
Same. Just kill a guy here, kill a guy there. Nothing too tough.
Well, looks like there’s nothing interesting here. So Heavy time! Come on out Jenova and Jecht!
Hah! What does this little wimp think she has? A chance or something? I’m Jecht, and I am…
“The best”? Please, I’ve heard this so many times already: from you, from my own son, from the rest of the DL. It sickens me. You aren’t the best, everyone’s beatable, give it a break.
Wait, common sense and intelligent speaking from a Final Fantasy Seven character?
I think Hell just froze over.
Please, the story wasn’t that weird and hard to follow.
Nor was Final Fantasy Ten’s.
Uwhehehehehehe! Why are you making such a fuss about far inferior games and villains? Focus on me, the true center stage!
Well, he got one part of that right.
Mine ears doth ring with pain. Canst thou cease thy useless droning?
I’m in agreement with the old dragon-guy here.
Hehehehehehe! Not a chance! I, who will soon have the championship I so deserve, cannot be taken so lightly!
Oh give it a rest. People are sick of you and your ranting. Give it a rest: you don’t deserve a thing.
Jerry, Jerry!
Old school is the way to go, eh? Let’s see if you can tango with the best!
Yes. Let’s take this over-hyped loser to the cleaners!
You think you can defeat me? I can take you all down! Uwhehehehehehe!
Another beating? I didn’t finish with Zelos too late then.
How is the poor guy?
Let’s just say he won’t be thinking about going near any women for a good while.
Ouch. That’s pretty mean, even by your standards.
What can I say, it was thrilling. Shall we then, on to the killing?
Ladies first.
Now wait a second…this isn’t fair!
And what better way to end the show than with senseless beating of Kefka?
I can’t think of one. So check back next time, dear readers, when Behind the Scenes returns, with a slightly less malicious Chisato than usual. Until next time!