Shady Thousand
Wild Arms 3 (WA3)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.02
Wins: 2
Losses: 5

Everyone, give a merry hello Shady Thousand. He may not look like much, and some say his damage and durability need a little work, but he's got heart, lots of loyalty to his mistress, and a level of sneakiness that makes drifters like Janus look like morons.

Well, those, and a quite a bit of tricks up his sleeve. Shady is quite the evasive critter and a rather speedy feline to boot. Mix his command of an element or two, and we have a pretty nasty little mascot in our hands.

Sure, his record could be a lot better, but don't let that fool you. Given the right kind of draw, the Schroedingers' Cat could win the Light Championship. Just... don't put him back in that box again. He really hates whackos stuffing him in boxes.

Season 10 Week 1 Light Defeated by Gengen, 18 to 13
Season 23 Week 2 Light Defeated by Laguna Loire, 33 to 24
Season 29 Week 1 Light Defeated by Lezard Valeth, 53 to 41
Season 42 Week 2 Light Defeated Ard, 34 to 19
Season 42 Week 3 Light Defeated by Zhuzhen Liu, 42 to 16
Season 58 Week 2 Light Defeated Isadora, 21 to 17
Season 58 Week 4 Light Defeated by Katarina, 26 to 9