Tales of the Abyss (TotA)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 4.37
Wins: 5
Losses: 2

Faster than a speeding bullet (and quite possibly her own speeding bullet), Legretta the Quick doesn't take chances or stand down for anyone. Tear's mentor and the chief God-General, Legretta has followed Van's ideal from the beginning; the Score, which caused the death of her brother and countless other friends, must be destroyed! Despite the misgivings she had about fighting The Commandant's sister and killing countless others, Legretta's soldier instincts won out - the good of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Her guns and all her military training at Van's disposal, Legretta fought for the freedom of all peoples' wills. Though she died for the cause, none can argue her undying devotion to the task at hand.

As her name states, Legretta is quick - quick to move and quick to attack. Firing off Rage Lasers can rip the frail apart in seconds, and backing her gunnery up with magic prevents foes from stopping her attacks by wearing bullet-proof armour. A mix of other artes, including Inlay Nocturne and Searing Sorrow, round out her primary offense, and a dose of her Mystic Arte Prism Ballet will fell anyone caught by its wrath.

Season 37 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Presea Combatir, 42 to 15
Season 37 Week 3 Heavy Defeated Hiro, 35 to 18
Season 37 Week 4 Heavy Defeated Shadow, 47 to 26
Season 37 Week 5 Heavy Defeated by Raquel Applegate, 48 to 19
Season 46 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Edwin Odesseiron, 19 to 6
Season 46 Week 3 Heavy Defeated Galcian, 25 to 12
Season 46 Week 4 Heavy Defeated by Millenia, 33 to 12