Regal Bryant
Tales of Symphonia (ToS)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.76
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Prisoner 24601 was arrested in France for breaking into a house and stealing a loaf of bread for his sister and her starving child. Prisoner 24601 spent 19 years in prison before he was released on parole. After his parole, 24601 worked to become manager of a factory, an upstanding citizen of society. However, when one of his factory workers was fired and couldn't take care of her daughter, 24601 stepped in and took the girl, Cosette, up as one of his own.

Unfortunately, this isn't the story of Regal Bryant, also known as El Presidente, but the story of Jean Valjean. Regal Bryant was once the owner of a wealthy mining company, but after a horrible accident involving his love Alicia, Regal was placed in prison, his hands forever bound in solemn chains of remorse. On orders of the then pope, Regal was given partial freedom if he could kill the Chosen. Running into Lloyd and his companions, Regal ignored the pope's orders and instead joined Lloyd and his crew in their mission to unite the worlds. Through this adventure, Regal eventually came to terms with his past, learning the meanings of sacrifice and redemption, and finally freeing himself from...himself.

While his hands may be bound, El Presidente's feet do all the talking. With his powerful kicking combos and healing abilities, Regal can stand up to the strongest of Heavies, and has so far proven himself more than capable of holding his own.

Season 28 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Gares, 43 to 20
Season 28 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Purim, 42 to 26
Season 53 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Hilda Valentine, 25 to 10
Downgraded to Middle