Shining Force 2 (SF2)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 3.56
Wins: 0
Losses: 1

A loyal beastman from the village of Polca, Gerhalt is an honorable warrior who is willing to put differences aside for the common good of destroying devils. His townspeople were deceived by the devils, and he’s not going to let those lying punks get away with tricking his friends. At first he looks somewhat human, and dresses in human clothing. But as he progresses in level and talent, he sheds his human side in favor of the more instinctive and bloodthirsty canine side. His weapon of choice is his claws, and his method of killing is very brutal, but effective. He’s a strong guy that you really don’t want to mess with.

Season 29 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Yulie Ahtreide, 47 to 16
Fighter is currently not ranked