Seiken Densetsu 3 (SD3)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.23
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Many things can come to your mind when you think about Lise. Kind hearted girl, shy young woman, caring though rather strict older sister, amazoness who holds a really big freaking spear and can summon gods to destroy her opponents...yeah, not exactly your everyday girl, that's for sure. Whatever comes to your mind, though, Lise is still Lise. She's still the leader of the Amazon Kingdom of Rolante, still out to get revenge on Bigieu and Jagan for what they did to her kingdom and family, and still rumored to be dating a certain thief from Navarre, though no one has successfully proven that last point.

While outside of battle, Lise is a shy young 16 year old, once a battle starts, she erupts into a frenzy, and like the wind of her own country, blows her opponents away with her physical strength, powerful summons such as Marduke, or by just increasing her own parameters with her support spells. If nothing else, Lise is living proof that a battle field can change the way someone acts drastically.

Season 29 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Tifa Lockheart, 55 to 46
Season 37 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Magdalen Harts, 27 to 22