Suikoden 5 (S5)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.59
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Experienced gladiators are a dime a dozen in the Suikoden world, but how many are as innocently cute as Nikea? Don't let her looks fool you- she's as tough as nails and packs a mean punch. Just ask Gizel Godwin and her minions, who tasted her fist of justice countless times! If only she could find a man who could pay her food bill and keep up with her in the training hall, she'd be the happiest person alive.

Strong and fearless, Nikea's a prototypical heavy warrior. Her Boar Rune packs one of the strongest punches around, felling normal humans with a swing stroke. Nikea may not be the craftist fighter around, but she's a heavy hitter who knows her away around the arena in spite of her late entry into the DL. Even the strongest heavy has to watch out for her criticals, which can make even a stone pillar weep.

Season 38 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Cait Sith, 45 to 28
Downgraded to Middle
Season 43 Week 2 Middle Defeated Alonso, 29 to 13
Season 43 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Hahn Mahlay, 26 to 17