Kahn Marley
Suikoden II (S2)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.97
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Is he Bob Marley's brother? Or perhaps a member of Star Trek? Whoever he is, it's a mystery, as Kahn Marley doesn't like to reveal much of his past, other than the vampire hunting aspect of it. Always in pursuit of Neclord's head, Kahn is a tireless member of the 108 Stars, using his knowledge to track down and destroy the vile creatures of the night before they destroy the lives of the innocents. Thankfully, due to the aid of both Viktor and Sierra, Kahn was able to neutralize Neclord once and for all, saving the future from the horrors of darkness forevermore. Of course, Joss Whedon might speak of a different saviour...

Kahn's Resurrection Rune, despite the somewhat weird naming system, makes him one of Middle's finest Suikoden warriors. With the ability to Yell and Scold his foes into oblivion, rest assured, this hunter's work has only just begun.

Season 33 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Paula, 35 to 31
Downgraded to Light
Season 52 Week 1 Light Defeated Nina, 37 to 7
Season 52 Week 3 Light Defeated by Garet, 28 to 11