Suikoden (S1)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.46
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

The next of the Suikoden duelling cast is… Kirkis! He is pretty damn brave for an elf, trying to unite the dwarves, elves, and kobolds against the onslaught that was about to partake in their villages, caused by those filthy nasty imperial humans. But apparently Kirkis has to rely on some humans, as Tir assists him on attempting (and failing) to save his village. After that little incident, Kirkis and his girlfriend Sylvina joined the Liberation army and continued to fight on. He is a courageous man whose courage extends to the DL, where he awaits his day to fight in a match in Light. Maybe one of these days Kirkis is be able to impress the Dl with his skills, but for now he’ll have to wait.

Season 25 Week 1 Light Defeated by Chisato Madison, 56 to 47
Season 63 Week 1 Light Defeated by Kahn, 18 to 9