Anna Lemouri
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (MK)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.22
Wins: 0
Losses: 1

A pretty young woman wielding a razor-sharp blade isn't all that unusual in the RPGDL. A pretty young woman wielding a blade blade that is longer than she is tall might turn some heads, however.

Anna Lemouri, the youngest alchemist in Al-Revis academy, may not be the most physically imposing warrior to set foot in the DL arena, but as so many others can attest to looks can be very deceiving. Anna's blade is so sharp that she is literally able to tear open the fabric of space-time (with some help from her Mana, Faustus). Using this power along with her fantastic speed, Anna can rip enemies apart from 5 directions at once before they even get a chance to move in her Dancing Blade Chaos special attack. Or she can just kill them instantly with her Shadow Chase.

This cute little blue-haired swordgirl has got it in her head to rip open Middle when she next gets in, and when Anna Lemouri gets an idea in her head, it's best to just get out of her way.

Season 54 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Vormav Tingel, 21 to 14