Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (Lunar2)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.77
Wins: 0
Losses: 3

For every student, there must be a teacher. For every tragic past, there must be a sinister force. For every suspicious cult, there must be a ringleader. And it is Lunn, master of the Black Dragon Fist, that fills all these rolls for the denizens of Lunar. Obsessed with teaching all the world in his own twisted logic, he abducted a younger, more innocent Jean and trained her in his cruel arts, meant to kill and maim without hesitation. And yet, a strong heart and stronger fist were still able to earn repentance from this sinner, and now Lunn lives to perfect his skills for the joy of the art, fighting with honor and nobility. And so we see Lunn today in the Duelling League, honing his skills in battle against the best of the best, training for the day that he might meet his former student om battle again. While he has a long road ahead, a full division between them, Lunn will never give up, not after coming so far.

Season 2 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Vormav Tingel, 10 to 5
Season 26 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Ashton Anchors, 72 to 18
Downgraded to Light
Season 47 Week 2 Light Defeated by Chidori Yoshino, 24 to 19