Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (Lunar2)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.76
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

One of the original Fat Bastards of the RPG multi-verse, the masterful magician Borgan is quite possibly the fattest sorcerer in the land. As Vane's second in command and one of (False) Althena's heroes and protectors, Borgan's influence expands almost as far and wide as his waistline. Due to the influence of Althena (the False one), Borgan nearly ruled the magical city of Vane, and sent people to work in the Black Dragon Mines to mine precious crystal to fuel his greed (and his aspirations for marriage to Lemina's mother). Thanks to the timely arrival of Hiro and his band of heroes, however, Borgan's reign was thwarted, and he saw the error of his ways. He joined Lemina and her mother in working to rebuild Vane, although he still never gave up his affections for Lemina's mother. Whether those affections were returned or not is something for the history books, or perhaps a good horror movie, to tell.

As a dedicated sorcerer in the world of Lunar, Borgan is far tougher than one would think. Wielding plenty of powerful magic, Borgan can quickly put his foes to sleep, sap their magical reserves, or just put the hurt on them with deadly magic. With a modified version of Ghaleon's own patented Chaos Shield (a bit weaker, but far faster), Borgan can even take the hits as well as he dishes them out. The fattest sorcerer in the RPGDL hasn't had a chance to shine yet, but when he does, you'll know it - the impending earthquake as he approaches is pretty hard to ignore.

Season 19 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Jecht, 58 to 16
Season 49 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Lin, 20 to 17
Downgraded to Middle